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4 Things We Love about the BDJ Fair 2015: Share the Spark

4 Things We Love about the BDJ Fair 2015: Share the Spark

“We’re more than just a planner. We have evolved into a community of empowered women.”  – The Belle Du Jour Team

True enough, as nothing can dull the spark of the annually held Belle De Jour event–not even Typhoon Lando. This year, the BDJ team successfully staged their 10th year celebration with bigger partners, bolder surprises, and most of all, a brighter spark.

So what happened yesterday and what were the surprises in store for the Bellas? Here they are in briefs and photos:

1. The Booths and Bellas

The BDJ Team teamed up with a slew of major brands that the SM MOA Music Hall was packed with hundreds of Bellas! Good thing there were many volunteers from schools in the metro who were helpful enough to point people in the right directions.

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2. Basketball and Bungee Jumping

If the selfies and product booths were not enough, there were other activities that challenged attendees, such as basketball and bungee jumping. Shoot three balls and bring home cool loot or test your limits and try bungee jumping!

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3.  The Talks

How else can the Bellas bring forth their inner spark and pay it forward than to hear the success stories of some of the country’s influencers such as Jaymie Pizzaro and RJ Ledesma?

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4. Belle De Jour Power Planner

The BDJ Planner has evolved from a simple planner into a bigger community of empowered women. BDJ, in their 10th year, through the #BDJFair2015, invites everyone to live life to the fullest and to share their spark.

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