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How Personal Style Guards You from Impulsive Trends

How Personal Style Guards You from Impulsive Trends

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Photo by Zeny Rosalina on Unsplash


A year ago, I found my closet full of clothes I no longer wear. That’s why I decided to reduce them to give space for the new ones that I actually wear. Most of the pieces that piled up in my closet are those I only bought because they were trendy at that time. Some of them I only wore once or twice at an event or in the office.

Staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends used to make me happy. It made me feel more confident because I wear what celebrities or influencers are wearing. It became emotionally and financially overwhelming eventually.

Fashion school and a few episodes of “Queer Eye” taught me the importance of knowing your personal style and sticking to it. This saved me from buying clothes because they are on-trend, which is not only beneficial for my finances but also the environment.

Make Shopping More Convenient

Photo by Becca McHaffie on Unsplash

By the time I established my personal style, shopping became easier for me. I now know what I want and where to get them.

For instance, I set a color scheme for my wardrobe, which consists of black, white, navy, and earth tones. I stay away from bright-colored pieces even if I find them attractive because I know they will just end up in my cabinet with the tag still attached.

Thrift shops are also my go-to shopping destinations. But you know how hard it is to go through a bunch of dusty, pre-loved clothes. I rarely find gems in these places before because none of them were trendy enough for me. Since I’m more aware of my style, a lot of my clothes now are from ukay-ukay.

So how can you find your personal style?

Defining Your Personal Style

It took me years before I discovered my personal style. Several factors, from what I do to where I live, have helped me throughout the journey.

Here are four tips to help you curate your wardrobe based on your style:

  • Find your style icon

This, I think, has helped me discover what works for me and what does not. My style icons range from celebrities and fashion personalities here and abroad. Social media platforms, like Pinterest and Instagram, can help you figure out who your influencers are. Take inspiration from their outfit and see if they suit you.

  • Consider your lifestyle


Photo by Collins Lesulie on Unsplash

Your lifestyle is an important consideration when choosing clothes. If you work at an office, choose pieces that would make you look professional, yet sophisticated. For an active lifestyle, opt for athleisure type outfits. But no matter what style you pick, wear clothes that make you feel comfortable whatever you do.

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  • Select a signature piece
Anna Wintour as featured in the 2009 documentary “The September Issue” Image from IMDB

Fashion icons have their signature pieces. Vogue Editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour, for example, has her famous sunglasses.

My signature piece is a pair of cropped trousers. I chose this because it makes me appear taller. Your signature piece can be something to hide your flaws or emphasize your assets. My favorite advice from Tan France of Netflix’s “Queer Eye” is to take your favorite piece from your closet and build your outfits around it.


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

This is an important step in defining your personal style.

Fashion is not only about wearing the latest trends. It’s a way of self-expression and being confident about yourself. Wear clothes that make you happy and bring out the best version of yourself. Embrace it and refine it until people start associating that style to you.

Personal style doesn’t mean don’t buy trendy pieces. You’ll just have to be smarter in purchasing clothes that suit your style, so you save money and space in your closet. Keep in mind that trends come and go, but style is timeless.

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