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Basic Yet Essential Lessons from 6 Pinay Beauty Bloggers

Basic Yet Essential Lessons from 6 Pinay Beauty Bloggers

Some consult TV shows, some subscribe to magazines. Some read up on their favorite star’s routines, some take up lessons. While all these are valid sources of information, nothing sounds more reliable than your fellow Filipinas dishing their beauty secrets and showing you the insides of their kikay kits.

Image by ℒaura Touvia Flickr Creative Commons
Image by ℒaura Touvia Flickr Creative Commons (Photo not of any beauty blogger mentioned)


Scroll down for some valuable beauty lessons and reminders from six up-and-coming beauty bloggers.


1. Say no to unkempt brows.

Bushy brows are not an excuse to wear them unkempt. You run the risk of that it will be the only thing people see on your face, and that won’t get a lot of good attention.

Anartechoke swears by this. She says, “It’s better to go out with unkempt brows, than with haphazardly done ones!” So ladies, listen to this guru. If you can’t zone in on the task, don’t do it, yet!

A photo posted by @anartechoke on


2. Make a statement.

While you may like the no-make-up look, it wouldn’t hurt to be bold once in a while. Make a statement and commit to it. If you want to try to go for a particular look, for example, go all the way. Bea of The Dalaga Project was quick to admit it when her attempt at a winged eyeliner came out wrong. “My wings were more like uplifted smiles… I didn’t want smiles on my eyes. I wanted to soar like a goddamn falcon.”

A photo posted by Bea Pantoja (@dalagaproject) on


3. Yes, morenas can rock red.

There are very little beauty tips for the morena skin type, which is why bronzed skinned ladies tend to shy away from makeup. Thanks to morena beauty bloggers, like Martha of The Beauty Junkee who is never short of tips and how-to posts for all skin types, morenas will never be clueless again. In one of her blogs, she wrote “dark and bronzed skinned ladies look best in berry- based and orange- based reds. Girls in this skin color will also benefit from vampy and dark reds without looking aged.”



4. Always remove your makeup before bedtime.

This may be a tried and true tip, but many still ignore this and go to bed with an unwashed face. You may have gone home exhausted after a long day, but it only takes a couple of minutes to wipe off the remains of the day. If you don’t, then don’t be surprised to find a pimple or two the next day. Listen to Romsz, the beautiful girl behind Run Barbie Run, who surpassed her acne phase by faithfully washing off her makeup and following it with a trusty cleanser before going to bed.


5. Drugstore finds are the best.

Makeup is expensive if you spend exclusively on luxurious brands. But if you’re after accessibility, like Shari from The Misty Mom, then the drugstore is your friend. A sucker for budget buys, this beauty says, “Nothing excites me more than discovering treasures in the drugstore aisles that cost 10x less than high-end.” Who wouldn’t get all giddy after finding a clone of a high-end lipstick shade on our own local shelves? That being said, make sure you know which products to splurge on and which to save on.

A photo posted by Shari M (@themistymom) on


6. Embrace your girliness.

Some girls shy away from makeup due to the fear of being labelled maarte. While this stigma cannot be easily erased, begin with yourself by accepting that it’s okay to wear some colors every once in a while. Carina from Softly Sometimes perfectly articulated what most girls think about makeup and girlish pursuits: “That made me feel so bad, that ‘girlish’ pursuits would be looked down on and is something that people feel the need to hide. I can admit that some people don’t and won’t really get it… but I don’t know why certain people feel the need to assert their superiority over people who like to fawn over lipstick and mascara. I don’t think it negates any other part of myself if I suddenly decided that I liked adding a little bit of color to my face.”

What do I do about my hair? I look like a member of a 90s boy band. ?

A photo posted by Carina Santos (@presidents) on


So there you go, ladies. Now grab your own kikay kits, face that mirror, start your own beauty sesh. Know any beauty bloggers we should be following? Leave a comment with links and share your own reasons for following them!

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