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4 Tips to Achieving Work-Life Balance This 2016

Don’t start the new year feeling overwhelmed and stressed out! As
much as you want to be ultra productive, you also have to prioritize yourself. Here are four things you can do to achieve work-life balance this 2016:

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1. Always have a to-do list.

Make it a habit to write your tasks on a handy notebook, so you can always refer to it wherever you go. It helps you keep track of tasks that need your immediate attention and gives you an overview of all things that need to be done within a week, a month, or a quarter.

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2. Politely say “no.”

Don’t hesitate to refuse new tasks if you can’t handle additional load of activities anymore. While it may be a little difficult and awkward to say “no,” it is generally a good practice to discern when to accept or turn down any type of request. Explain to your boss your current situation and suggest possible alternatives instead of just bluntly turning down a request.

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3. Ask for help.

When things are not going as planned, keep calm and do a reset. Review the remaining errands you need to accomplish at work and at home. After making up your mind, start contacting people you can get assistance from and everything will be fine in no time.

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4. Stay focused.

If you are supposed to be working for a project, put all your mind and heart into it, and don’t let yourself get side-tracked. Likewise, if you are spending time with your family, make sure to give them the attention they deserve.

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