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5 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Chances of Getting Hired

How do you use social media accounts? Do you use them for stalking your crush or following your friend’s latest post? Or have you considered using them to land a job?

Believe it or not, giving your social media account an upgrade could help you find work. It’s fairly common for HR to run a quick Google search to find out more about you, and your social media accounts will likely pop up in the top search page. That’s why it’s important that you place your best foot forward online. So, how do you make sure that your profile page stands out from other job seekers? Check out our tips below:

Image by Yoel Ben-Avraham via Flickr Creative Commons

1. Clear your profile.

Had a night of drunken revelry? You might want to hold off posting photos on your social media account. Ditch posts that might compromise your job opportunity with an employer. You may also want to set up a separate public account for job-hunting purposes if you still want to share private photos with your friends.

Photo by mkhmarketing via Flickr Creative Commons

2. Actively participate in social media groups.

Image by Simon Berry via Flickr

HR people will most likely put their job openings with high visibility. This includes posting on Facebook groups that have specific interests. Join Facebook groups that target the industry that you want to pursue, and maintain an active presence so you get the most out of it. Being a part of a specific Facebook group not only gives you updates on job opportunities but also gives you the chance to rub elbows with HR staff and even company owners.

3. Grow your network.

Image by geralt via Pixabay

You need to connect with people, especially those you want to work with. Use LinkedIn and other sites to network with employees of companies you’re applying for. Don’t forget the people you’ve worked with in the past. They can vouch for your character and even give you leads as far as job hunting is concerned.

4. Spread your brand.

Image by jarmoluk via Pixabay

Think of yourself as a brand. You are both the company and the product or service. Spread your influence to potential employers and hiring managers by maintaining an active online presence. Tweet, comment, like, share, or follow posts by companies that you’re applying for. These will also give those people a glimpse of your personality, skills, and abilities.

5. Connect with the bigwigs.

It’s not just what, but who you know that gives you the upper hand in the competitive job market. Influential connections matter. Get to know the movers and shakers in a company. Interact with them through LinkedIn and other social networking sites. Be friendly, but don’t overdo it–you don’t want to creep out a prospective employer.

Photo by Nan Palmero via Flickr Creative Commons


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