Imagine a meal that looks as beautiful as it tastes good. It’s a culinary phenomenon slowly sweeping the internet’s most creative corner: flowers in foods and drinks.
Beautiful, edible blooms used for their flavor and nutritional value, and not just for aesthetic purposes. Isn’t that just the strangest, yet most charming thing you’ve ever heard of today?
The first time I found violet-colored flowers on my Thai salad, I was enchanted. I’d never been happier to see deep-blue velvety petals peeking from between my peas. I remember thinking, “Why isn’t this a thing?”
The use of flowers as ingredients remains an unusual concept for many. But with the growing demand and pressure for natural and renewable raw materials as sources of ingredients, flowers may soon be a familiar sight on the menu.
The truth is you’ve probably eaten flowers without realizing it. If you’ve had broccoli, puso ng saging, cauliflower, and maybe hibiscus in your tea, then you’re not a total stranger to the concept.
But we’re talking about colorful, delicate blossoms that look like they belong to a Bridal Weekly editorial cover instead of your mom’s kitchen. We’re talking about roses, pansies and nasturtium in your salad, toast, cake, and even cocktail.
A list of common edible flowers includes:
- violets
- roses
- nasturtiums
- pansies
- lavender
- carnations
- sweet williams
- lilacs
- marigolds
- daises
As for the taste, pansies are known to be a little grassy, mild yet sweet. Nasturtiums have a bold, peppery tang that’s perfect for stews and soups, and rose petals have a deeper, bitter-ish kick.
Now, on to the best part! Here are perfectly sweet, perfectly floral concoctions I’ve taken from today’s best food bloggers:
Edible Flower Macarons
Recipe by: Lexy Ward from www.theproperblog.com
Flowers added: A variety of edible flowers
Spring Bouquet Popsicles
Floral Donuts with Blood Orange and Lemon Ginger Glaze
Recipe by: Caitlin and Manda from www.themerrythought.com
Flowers added: A variety of edible flowers
Flowerfetti Cake with a Natural Funfetti Sponge
Recipe by: Aimee Twigger from www.twiggstudios.com
Flowers added: A variety of edible flowers
Lillet Rose Spring Cocktail
Recipe by: Martha Stewart from www.marthastewart.com
Flowers added: Rose
Pineapple and Carrot Gin Punch
Recipe by: Eden Passante from www.sugarandcharm.com
Flowers added: A variety of edible flowers
Wildflower Salad
Recipe by: Lauren from www.harvestandhoney.com
Flowers added: Violas and pansies
Cream Cheese and Chive Sandwiches with Edible Flowers
Recipe by: Erica Lea from www.butteredsideupblog.com
Flowers added: Nasturtium
To be honest, I didn’t want to this list to end. If you’re interested to know more about flower-infused recipes, feel free to visit Raise Your Garden – they have greater (and mouthwatering stuff) up on their blog.