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The Shedding Stops Here: How to Reduce Hair Fall

Our hair is very often our crowning glory and one of the greatest assets we’re proud to show off. When it starts to fall more often, however, this can be a serious matter. From improper hair care to nutrient deficiency, there are different factors that cause hair fall. Knowing what to do is important to make sure that your hair will grow stronger, shinier, and more beautiful. Keep reading to learn how you can reduce hair fall.

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Photo by via Pexels


Before, During, and After Your Shower

Check the water temperature before taking a shower. Avoid using hot water because it can dry the scalp and weaken the roots of your hair. When using a shampoo, it’s best to dilute it in water before applying. Start from the tips up to your crown to keep from prolonging your scalp’s exposure to chemicals.

Photo by PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay
Photo by PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay

After taking a shower, avoid drying your hair with a towel or combing it with a hairbrush or a narrow-tooth comb. Let it dry—or at least semi-dry—naturally. Don’t use a hair dryer or any styling tool because the heat can further damage your strands.


Your Daily Hair Care Routine

Massage oil—coconut, almond, grapeseed, or olive—onto your hair and scalp at least once a week to strengthen the roots and improve the blood flow to your follicles. Applying natural ingredients onto the scalp and leaving them overnight can also reduce hair loss.

Photo by HolgersFotografie via Pixabay
Photo by HolgersFotografie via Pixabay

For instance, onion juice has high sulfur content that improves circulation, reduces inflammation, and regenerates hair follicles. It also helps get rid of germs and parasites that cause hair loss and scalp infections. Other good examples of hair remedies include aloe vera, egg whites, apple cider vinegar, and hibiscus leaves or flowers.


Your Diet and Lifestyle

Go natural and prevent hair fall from within. Eat the right kind of food and promote healthy hair growth with the following:

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Hair Styling Tools and Chemicals

Many updos are becoming popular these days, from fishtail braids to donut buns, but you should be more careful when doing them to your own hair. Avoid hair accessories that pull or cause too much friction. Never use rubber bands, as they’re difficult to remove and may cause further breakage.

Photo by tpsdave via Pixabay

Straightening, curling, and hair coloring should be done in moderation. In fact, it’s better to avoid these at all for day-to-day styling and saving these for special occasions instead. Applying chemicals and direct heat can damage and weaken your hair, especially when done frequently. Before using any styling tool, make sure to apply a heat-protectant spray to avoid damaging your strands. No serums, as these should go after styling your hair.


Don’t let hair fall take away your confidence with your crowning glory. There are many ways to take good care of it, and it’s not too late to get started. All you need is some lifestyle changes to make your hair stronger and prettier at the same time.

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