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4 Ways to Make Breasts Look Bigger (Minus the Surgery)

All breasts are beautiful, no matter what the size. Every cup size has its own unique look that defines your style.

While every figure is attractive in its own way, some Modern Filipinas might want to go with fuller-looking breasts. Perhaps you have a big event that calls for formal garb, and you would like to increase your cup size up a notch for your gown. Or maybe you would like to emphasize your curves in a body-hugging number, and having fuller-looking breasts might just do the trick. The great thing about this is now, we have lots of options that could help us increase our cup sizes temporarily, and they do not even involve surgery! Take a look at them below:

Featured Image from Karlos via Flickr


1. Say Yes to Push-Up and Padded Bras

For instant cleavage, push-up and padded bras make for quick and easy fixes.  Padded bras help make your breasts look bigger while push-up bras take your girls to the next level. If you’re on the hunt for a bra that suits you well, make sure to get fitted as you would with a regular bra. Just make sure you don’t buy one with padding that increases your breast cup by three sizes–that’s just way too obvious.

Image from Sarah C via Flickr Creative Commons

2. A Little Contouring Helps

It seems contouring not only enhances your facial beauty –it also turns your AAs into Ds. With the right tools and a deft hand, you can give your cleavage more definition and roundness.

First, take a bronzer with shimmer. This reflects light and also creates the illusion of bigger and fuller breasts. Tap the brush to remove excess bronzer and look at the mirror as you contour your cleavage. Make a sweeping motion up and down your breasts with your fan brush.

Blend the color and make a v-shape along your breasts’ natural curve. Use a lighter shade of face powder along the cleavage and blend them all together.

Image from skeleton hands via Flickr Creative Commons

3. Practice Good Posture

Keeping yourself from slouching is the quickest and easiest way to make your breasts appear bigger. Remember to always keep your spine straight and your shoulders naturally raised. Hunching over also hunches your breasts, so always stand tall and proud!

Figure 2Image from Vladimir Pustovit via Flickr Creative Commons

4. Exercise Regularly

There are some chest exercises that can help you achieve a fuller breast, like palm pressing, dumbbells chest press, push-ups, and elbow extensions.

Make sure you do these exercises regularly and combine them with a healthy diet.

Image from John Benson via Flickr Creative Commons

Featured Image from The Devil Wears Prada courtesy of Warner Bros. FE

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