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5 Skincare Tips for the Rainy Season

Rain showers are now becoming a regular occurrence in the metro, now that the rainy season is underway. However, the sudden weather shift could seriously stress out our skin, so it’s important to step up our skin-pampering game this rainy season. Take note of our tips below:

Photo by martinak15 via Flickr Creative Commons

1. Always make time for your routine.

Make it a point to cleanse, tone, and moisturize every single day. Choose a cleanser that works best for your skin type, wipe excess impurities away using your favorite toner, and give your skin the hydration it deserves with a proper moisturizer.

Photo by Andrew Huff via Flickr Creative Commons

2. Maintain a healthy diet.

Take care of your skin from within! Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. Eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are your best friends, as they contain antioxidants that protect your skin from harmful free radicals. Watch your diet, and steer clear of junk food.

Photo by Global Panorama via Flickr Creative Commons

3. Get plenty of shut-eye.

Don’t underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep. There’s a reason why it’s called a beauty rest: that’s when the skin repairs itself so you’ll look your best upon waking up. Experts recommend getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep every day, but it would also help to pay attention to your body clock to see just how many hours of snooze time work best for you.

Photo by cloccl via Flickr Creative Commons

4. Take your vitamins.

We all need a steady supply of vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies running in tip-top shape, and supplements give us that much-needed boost. Vitamins C and E are known to do a good job in protecting our skin from cancer, while vitamin A is known for its anti-aging properties.

Photo by denAsunloner via Flickr Creative Commons

5. Always use sunscreen.

Most people think that you don’t need to use sunscreen during the rainy season. But the thing is, UV rays still penetrate our skin even if the weather is no longer sweltering hot. So how do you protect yourself from these skin-damaging rays? Wear sunscreen every day–may it be sunny, cloudy, or rainy outside.

Photo by Todd Mecklem via Flickr Creative Commons



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