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8 Rookie Relationship Mistakes You Should Avoid

You’re finally over your ex, and you’ve met someone new. He’s exciting, interesting, and romantic. Seriously, you just can’t take your eyes (and hands) away from your beau.

New relationships are fun, but their early stages are the most crucial. This short but challenging period defines your attraction to each other and the foundation of your future.

Screencap from Gossip Girl courtesy of Warner Bros. Television

If you think that this relationship is bound to last, then it’s better to keep it slow and steady. Learn something about him every day, and avoid these new relationship mistakes that will only bruise you and your partner in the end:

1. Trying Too Hard

First impressions last, and I mean that they really last. We all want to put our best foot forward, but going way above the line will only turn him off. Don’t put too much make-up just because you think he likes it. Don’t you even try faking an accent, too. Be natural, and let him fall for the real you.


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2. Being Unable to Move from Your Past Relationship

We’ve all had our heartaches. Stop bringing them back by believing that they will also happen to your current relationship. Just because your ex cheated on you, doesn’t mean that this one will do the same. Mistakes should make you stronger, not ruin good opportunities.

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3. Expecting Too Much

Don’t burden yourself with expectations, especially when you and your partner are just starting to know each other. You will only hurt yourself when you begin to expect too much. Take time to grow, and understand his capabilities as a partner.

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4. Being Too Clingy

Of course you want to spend a lot of time together, but staying too close will only kill the burning flame. If ever you are both away, calling him every hour does not help. Give your partner space, and let him know that you can be independent, too.

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5. Comparing Him with Your Ex

Your partner is a different person, and he will never be the same as your ex. Never compare him with your previous boyfriend, even if it’s just a minor detail like his choice of music or shoes. Apart from ruining his ego, you’ll only make him feel like a rebound.

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6. Trust Issues

Trust issues are a no-no, especially in the early stages of your relationship. Build confidence in your relationship by giving him enough space and priority. Don’t be the girl who throws a fit just because your boyfriend didn’t reply within five minutes.

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7. Overlooking Major Differences

Religion, career, and money are just some of the major differences that can affect your new relationship. It is an advantage if both of you have the same values, but it won’t really matter if you already have an understanding about it. Talk about major issues, especially if you stand firm on what you believe in.

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8. Making Him Change for You

You want a boyfriend, not a puppet, right? Change is good in a relationship only if it benefits the both of you. Don’t make him change his beliefs just because you don’t believe in them. It is important that your partner have his own personality that you can love and enjoy.

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Relationships are a two-way effort. Its future and foundation depends on how you treat each other. Remember to take it slow, and enjoy every step of the way.

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