This little miss believes that the world is too big…
There’s nothing more stressful and confusing for a 20-something to be stepping into the real world and suddenly realizing that the career you’re pursuing isn’t for you. Planning to leave your job to switch careers? No doubt, it can be a scary business. At the same time, growth begins when we leave our comfort zones and the biggest rewards come from taking the biggest risks.

Here are some practical tips when you are scared to make that major switch in your career:
1. Decide what you want to do and research.
Think about what excites you and ignites your passion. Take the opportunity to focus on yourself and needs. Figure that out and do a thorough research on this industry. Be sure to examine all the possibilities before attempting a career jump. The more you know about that certain industry, the more you’ll have a clearer vision of what’s in store for you which will lead you to success.

2. Take financial inventory.
One of the things to do before leaving your job is to make sure that you’ll survive on whatever you’ll make in this new career. Will it be able to pay your bills? Buy you a wardrobe? Be able to fund your weekend chill nights? After all, switching industries means you’ll likely start at the bottom. Learn whether your target industry has growth potential, and assess your finances first before making the big movie.

3. Connect with others on your chosen field.
Begin nurturing professional friendships and connect with certain people who can introduce you to your target career. This could be an effective way to uncover new opportunities with the help of influential people in your desired career. You could start with professional organizations since many of them hold networking events and seminars.

4. Brush up your skills and never get tired learning.
You can never have a smooth transition unless you have the skills that are needed for the new career. You can take a post-graduate degree, seminar, or a certificate course to earn the job you’re aiming for. Equip yourself with the proper knowledge, so you’ll be competitive enough

5. Get some experience.
There are many ways that you can move a step toward your new career path; you can volunteer or take an internship, or you can try to be a freelancer or consultant. These are great ways of learning skills to gain experience in your chosen environment before plunging in full-time in your chosen career.

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This little miss believes that the world is too big to stay in just one place and that life is too short to do just one thing. An ENFJ daydreamer and conqueror whose passion is to motivate and inspire people around her. She is a personality development advocate and a counselor/life coach-in-the making who has also passion for writing.