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Are You Burnt Out at Work?

Are You Burnt Out at Work?

Off-days at work are completely normal. There are days when you function like a well-oiled machine, and others when it takes too much energy to perform even the simplest of tasks.

Screencap from The Devil Wears Prada courtesy of Tentient Century Fx Film Corporation
Screencap from The Devil Wears Prada courtesy of Twentienth Century Fox Film Corporation

Ask yourself: Do you find that you have to drag yourself to work and you have trouble getting started once you arrive? Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive? Do you feel unmotivated or dissatisfied with your accomplishments? Do you feel disillusioned about your job? Have your sleep habits or appetite changed?

I don’t need to tell you that if any of these situations ring any bells to you, it’s time for a career check. You might be feeling burnt out.

GIF from Community via Giphy
GIF from Community via Giphy

Burnout: The Epidemic of the Modern Workplace

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It reduces your productivity and saps your energy, leaving you unmotivated and uninterested.

Job burnout is caused by various factors: being unable to influence decisions that could affect your job, unclear job expectations, dysfunctional office dynamics, poor fit between your role and interests and skills, monotony at work, or work-life imbalance.

If you’re feeling tired all the time, but you can still carry out your tasks properly, then you might be experiencing burnout. When you feel you’re not making progress and you feel that the work you do doesn’t matter, that’s when it’s time for a conversation with your boss.

GIF from Parks and Recreation via Giphy
GIF from Parks and Recreation via Giphy

Ways to completely avoid burnout:

1. Go for one thing at a time.

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is counter-productive. Sometimes trying to focus on too many things all at once saps your momentum. It can also lessen the quality of your work output.

2. Take a break.

You’re not a robot. Take some time off to give yourself physical and mental breaks especially if your job involves repetitive tasks.

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GIF from Real Housewives of Orange County via Giphy
GIF from Real Housewives of Orange County via Giphy

3. Identify the source of burnout.

Find out why you’re feeling exhausted at work and try to fix them. Discuss concerns involving your role with your supervisor.

4. Reward yourself.

A clear indicator of burnout is not deriving any satisfaction from your achievements. Celebrate your wins, regardless of whether they’re as big as a promotion, or as little as cleaning up your desk.

GIF from Giphy
GIF from Giphy

5. Look for better opportunities.

The reason for your prolonged stress may be because you’re in the wrong job, or you might have outgrown it. Assess if you’e still making full use of your abilities in your current job and whether it coincides with the industry that you’re thoroughly passionate about. If you think you’d be able to better contribute your skills and strengths elsewhere–in a job that you’re thoroughly interested in–then it might be time to think of better career opportunities.

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