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Top 5 Emerging Job Opportunities in 2019

Top 5 Emerging Job Opportunities in 2019

The job hunt is not as scary as you think. Check out these career opportunities
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You’ve finally walked down the graduation aisle after years of conflicts with terror profs and freeloaders, epiphanies about who you are and what you should really be doing, and adventures with lifelong friends you bonded with over final papers and presentations. Congratulations, you’re done with college!

Now, you’re on to the next big thing — finding a job. And it shouldn’t be as difficult as you think.

When you look at actual statistics, the Philippine Statistics Authority announced on June 5 that the Philippines has a 94.9-percent employment rate as of April 2019. Unemployment rate since April 2018 dropped from 5.5 to 5.1 percent. Meanwhile, underemployment dropped from 17.0 to 13.5 percent.

Given these figures, you can start looking for work with a positive mindset that you’ll find something.

Add in the fact that the internet age is providing more job opportunities than ever. A forecast by Dell Technologies actually suggests that 85 percent of the jobs in 2030 have not yet been defined.

Let us back up this claim by listing the top five emerging job opportunities this year:

Data Scientist

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Data is the heart of every business. When companies need financial insights or a better understanding of customer behavior, they rely on data scientists for information. The role, therefore, requires knowledge of data analysis, machine learning, Python, SQL, and R.

Application Development Analyst

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An application development analyst uses software engineering to ensure optimal performance of computer-based applications. You need to be familiar with SQL, HTML, JavaScript, Java, and Cascading Style Sheets for this position.

Back End Developer

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More businesses are realizing the importance of online presence. They are hiring back end developers to create responsive web and mobile applications. This might be your calling if you are well-versed in JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, CCS, and jQuery.

See Also
Filipina Business Owner

Full Stack Engineer

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The tech industry is always evolving and it needs full stack engineers who can manage both front and back end development. More people are looking for versatile tech talents who are knowledgeable in JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, CCS, and jQuery.

Sales Development Representatives

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Artificial intelligence can never replace the human qualities of sales professionals who forge a connection with customers. To be a successful sales development representative, you must have leadership and management skills. You also have to be familiar with marketing and sales.

These emerging tech jobs are only a sneak peek of the job opportunities that are in store for fresh grads and career shifters alike. Armed with the right mindset and professional advice, you can definitely find a rewarding career and financial freedom.

Good luck with the job hunt!

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