Ana Valenzuela graduated with a degree in AB Literature from…
Whether you’re a new employee or you’ve been working for the same company years now, your boss is the first person you need to impress if you want to move forward and upward. Why? Simply because he or she is the person who will be evaluating your performance, identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and looking for the best ways you can be an asset to the company. And maybe, just maybe, he or she could be on the lookout of for someone to take over his or her position. We’ve listed some work habits that you can adopt to get on your manager’s good side.

1. Be proactive.
Being proactive means anticipating what your boss will need—and we don’t mean brown-nosing by getting his or her morning coffee. This will be easier if you pay enough attention to his preferences and rhythm, then you can control and preempt the situation. When you have to tell your boss about a problem or delay, for example, come prepared with suggestions as to a workaround or solution that will minimize the impact on your deliverables as a team. Finishing forgotten tasks, which might be as simple as turning off the lights or as mundane as training the intern, will also go a long way.

2. Always be on time.
We don’t just mean you should be prompt when clocking in on your office biometrics, but also when it comes to your deliverables. If there are delays outside your control, let your boss know as soon as possible and, as we’ve already mentioned, try to find workarounds. This doesn’t mean that you need to report to him every minute, however; you need to show that you can work with minimal supervisions. Just make sure your reports are complete and your boss is kept in the loop as far as any projects or tasks are concerned.

3. Socialize.
Not only with your boss, but with everyone in the office. This will make things easier for everyone on your team if you know them not only on a professional basis, but you are also familiar with them as people. This doesn’t just open you up to office friendships, but you will also get to know the inner workings of the business and gain an idea of what other people do. Don’t forget to be friendly with your boss as well, but keep things cordial and professional, as he or she is, after all, your superior.

4. Speak up.
Any suggestion, whether good or bad, will be of great help to your boss and the company. Come up with solutions on ways to work better and smarter instead of harder. Talk about technological development and industry innovations and what these can do for your firm. Think of ways to save the organization’s resources. If your ideas get rejected, just keep them coming. Who knows? These might not be useful or doable right now, but they may be tabled for future projects or development.

5. Help your boss out.
Your boss is not your enemy, but he or she can be your greatest friend as far as career advancement goes. So if you feel like dissing him to your other co-workers, don’t. Refrain from joining your colleagues’ boss-bashing fests as well. If you have a problem with your boss, especially if you have suggestions as to how he or she might do things better, ask for a one-on-one consult. Beyond that, show your boss you’re there to help him or her, even if it means going above and beyond the tasks outlined in your job description from time to time, because your boss’s success will often spell good things for you and your team as well.

6. Manage your own goals.
As the saying goes, you are the master of your own destiny. Let your team leader or manager know what it is you expect to learn from him and what your long-term career goals are. Ask for opportunities that might help align your present tasks and responsibilities with your goals and at the same time signify your long term interest in the business. This will show your versatility as an employee and may even highlight your management skills. Not only will this fast-track your career growth, but you may also gain a mentor in the process.

Of course, your boss isn’t the only person you need to impress at work. You also have to learn how to work well with your colleagues (learning how to deal with even the most annoying office mates will teach you great people skills and also make you look great) and impress other teams and clients with your can-do attitude and know-how. But your boss is still the person who turns in your employee evaluations—and recommends you for higher pay and positions, so take these tips to heart and stay on his or her good side.
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Ana Valenzuela graduated with a degree in AB Literature from UST. She has written for several media outlets. She is currently taking her Master's from UP.