A girl who lives and breathes writing, magazines, music, literature…
The holidays are almost here and most likely, our strict diet regimen would take the backseat. After all, who are we to say no to all the festivities laid before us? But merriment does not give us a legitimate reason to throw our health out of the window, too. Enjoying endless parties during Christmas (or any other event) is as important as always taking care of ourselves, too. Here are five easy ways you can stay fit during the holiday season:

1. Walk around as much as possible.
Cardio is the way to go! If you’re too lazy to hit the gym after binge-eating, at least a 30-minute of walking can do your body wonders. Try to get those legs moving as much as you can.

2. Lessen your junk food intake.
Choose the better option! After ll, your body is too good for junk food. Fruits and veggies are your constant friends. Always incorporate these in your daily meals, instead of going for greasy food.

3. Always drink up!
Never ever deprive yourself of good ol’ water. It’s magic? It makes you feel full, so before a meal, drink an entire glass and you’ll see you’re good to go after one plateful of food.

4. Find a physical activity you enjoy the most.
So you finally had the time to squeeze in some exercise. Don’t bore yourself with the usual workouts! Try challenging yourself with classes gyms provide. There are dance classes you can enroll and what’s good about it is you get to do it with other people! Who knows, you might meet a new friend (or friends) in the process. Win-win!

5. Shift into a positive mindset.

The key to staying fit is having a positive mindset. Motivate yourself, look for inspiration so as to equip yourself with discipline to keep yourself in proper health. Mind over matter is a cliché, but it never fails.
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A girl who lives and breathes writing, magazines, music, literature and sweets. A follower not of the rules, but of her heart. Instagram: @marielabanes