Audacious,vivacious and loquacious, Carol Premacio's greatest loves are, and always…
In this day and age, life can be pretty tough on women. Our lives can be so demanding at times that caring for one’s self becomes the least of our priorities. But that must not be the case. Taking care of ourselves should be our top priority. You owe it to yourself to look and feel good. Here are five sneaky ways you can take care of yourself–without taking too much effort!
1. Trick yourself into getting more exercise (until it becomes a habit).
We need to be more active as we get older, but the thing is, since we spent a majority of our time glued to our desks at work, squeezing in time for exercise has become somewhat of a problem. Now, getting fit might sound daunting at first, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it! Start with baby steps, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you’re at work, or standing up for thirty minutes while you’re typing instead of sitting down. Sooner or later, you’d get used to it, and you’d be up to taking on more challenges soon enough!

2. Set aside at least an hour every day for quiet time.
We’re all busy women, so it pays to have daily quality time for peace and quiet. Make it your non-negotiable quiet hour, which you could use for relaxation and for winding down in time for a good rest. You can use the time to read a good book, pamper yourself with a nice, long bath, or for meditation.

3. Look for ways to pamper yourself.
We give so much of ourselves to others–to our families, to our work, to our friends–that it’s so easy to lose sight of ourselves. Don’t scrimp on self-love by making it a point to pamper yourself. It could be as simple as eating a piece (or two) of your favorite chocolate truffle, trying on a new lipstick shade, or watching a movie right after work (instead of heading straight home). These treats shouldn’t necessarily be expensive–what’s important is that you can look forward to something that would put a smile on your face after a long day at work.

4. Do random acts of kindness.
Being nice actually pays off! According to Reader’s Digest, paying it forward could actually make you happier! How’s that for spreading good vibes?

5.Go for healthier grub.
Eating healthy is not as hard as it seems, ladies. It all boils down to choosing the right food. Once you eat healthy, it will reflect on your body and we get our goal. You end up looking better and feeling better.

The worst thing you could ever do is to take yourself for granted. You are a woman. A lot of people are depending on you and your strength. When we say strength we’re talking about both inner and outer strength so your well-being is of prime importance.
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Audacious,vivacious and loquacious, Carol Premacio's greatest loves are, and always will be, fashion and writing. She enjoys writing and reading books,fashion magazines and lifestyle magazines. One of her aspirations in life aside from working in the fashion and publishing industries is to travel and be able to see the world in all its beauty.