Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her…
Living alone is one of the few things that can make you feel like a real grown-up (congrats, you’re now an independent woman!). Sure, it’s not easy, and it can really take a toll on your pocket, but it’s definitely worth it!

Before packing up and getting your own apartment, or if you’re already living the solo life, here are some things you should know about living alone.
1. Give someone you trust a spare key.
If your parents live within driving distance from your apartment, give them a spare key. Give on to a sibling and a best friend who live nearby, too. That way, they can easily visit you if you’re sick, or check on your room while you’re on vacation if you ask them to. And most importantly, you can get the spare from them in case you lose your keys!
It wouldn’t hurt to leave another spare key hidden at your office desk, too.

2. You’ll fall asleep with the lights on often.
Goodbye, roommate who turns off the light when you’ve fallen asleep out of exhaustion. Hello, electricity bills. We know how hard it is to get up and turn off the light when you can barely keep your eyes open, but you got to get used to it.

3. No one will wake you up if you’re late.
A trusty roommate who knows you should already be up trumps an alarm clock any day. But once you start living by yourself, you’ll need to gain a lot more discipline and self-control — especially when it comes to snoozing your alarm.

4. Never underestimate the importance of mobile load.
Sure, you can fend for yourself most of the time, but it’s always best to be prepared. Keep a list of important numbers visible, like the police, ambulance, fire station, or your nearest friend or relative, so you can call them anytime you need to.

5. It’s the best!
You don’t have to worry about being a slob or a neat freak, walking around in your underwear, or dancing like a dork to your favorite songs. It feels amazing to come home at the end of a long day at work, and have some peace and quiet in a place where you can just be yourself.

Featured image from New Girl courtesy of 20th Century Fox Television
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Bemjo is constantly mistaken for a boy because of her name, but she is most definitely a girl. She enjoys coloring, being around dogs, and binge-watching TV shows. She currently works as a material developer for an ESL company.