I write occasionally, read voraciously, travel constantly, and love fiercely.…
2015 has certainly been a whirlwind of events, both good and bad. However hectic this year may have been, it’s the season once more for slowing down, looking back at what was, and looking forward to what will be.
We Filipinos have the privilege of having the world’s longest (and certainly one of the most festive) Christmas celebrations, as we start counting down to the holiday season as early as September.

‘Tis definitely the season to be jolly–and thankful! Here are five things that we should be grateful for this Christmas season.
1. We’re thankful for the chance to show people how much they mean to us.
Our generosity is as high as our spirits this season. There is generally a sense of excitement not at the thought of receiving presents but of giving them to the people we love and appreciate. The feeling of making someone happy through thoughtful gifts warms the heart to make you teary-eyed.

2. We’re thankful for the sumptuous feasts that we get to enjoy during noche buena.
Forget your diet for even just little moment and dig in. Food will always be at the heart of every Filipino celebration. Our Christmas buffets are always as colorful as Christmas lights, it’s almost criminal to not thoroughly enjoy a hearty meal lovingly prepared by our relatives.

3. We’re thankful for family and school reunions that fill our calendars at the end of the year.
If you haven’t reunited with your friends or your family that much during the year, this season is certainly one of the best times to. You can exchange presents, look back at the year, and map out plans and goals for the next. There is a merry outpouring of love during Christmas so don’t forget to reconnect with those nearest and dearest to you.

4. We’re thankful for the brief reprieve from work.
Go on and celebrate, you deserve it. Take a break to go on a sort trip, spend time with loved ones, or alone time. Remember that the Christmas break is more than just a period of resting and relaxing. It’s also a great time to start reflecting and working on your goals and resolutions for the coming year.

5. We’re thankful for the holiday cheer.
When September rolls in, we feel a general sense of warmth and joy that comes with celebrating the holiday season. There’s a general sense of merriment and the atmosphere feels different and light. Our long Christmas season is the happiest time of the year and we don’t need any reminding from the Christmas carols we hear. Feel your heart grow thrice as big and give in to the holiday cheer.

Featured image from “It’s a Wonderful Life” via RKO Pictures
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I write occasionally, read voraciously, travel constantly, and love fiercely. Talk to me about adventure, cultural events, psychology, and world domination. Introverted and loud, awkward and proud.