Nica loves books, writing, and photography. She likes to discover…
When was the last time you had quality time for yourself? There might be a hundred different things you’d like to see, discover, or experience. However, just like other people, you feel that you do not have enough time for those kinds of activities. No matter how much you try to stick to your timetable, there are instances when you feel like you just had to give up your “me” time.
Remember that we are all in charge of creating the life that we want to have. Although there are demands and responsibilities that need our attention, we shouldn’t lose sight of what we want to do with our lives. Do not let work eat you up and stop you from doing things that you love. Here are ways you can set aside time for yourself:

1. Spend your time wisely.
You should not feel guilty about spending the night binge-watching after a day full of meetings. However, that shouldn’t be the case on a regular basis. When you’re given a task, do it right away. Don’t think of doing it a day or hours before the deadline.

2. Make it a habit to schedule everything.
Aside from managing your time, you must learn to schedule the tasks you need to accomplish. Take note of the things which you need to prioritize. Keep a checklist of your daily tasks or write it down on a monthly/weekly planner (whichever works best for you). If you learn to prioritize and keep track of your appointments during the week, you’ll find it easier to squeeze in some time for yourself. Yoga classes every Wednesday or dinner every Friday? Game on!

3. Learn to say no.
If you feel that your schedule for the week is heavily packed, you’re going to have to turn down some appointments. Find things that are not so important and cancel them. Remember that you must not hog all responsibilities and tasks. Learn to delegate them well.
If you keep on saying “yes” to every request, you’ll never get that free time you’re hoping to have. Know how valuable your time is.

4. Avoid work during weekends.
The best way to set aside time for yourself is to refuse work during the weekends. Saturdays and Sundays are meant to be spent at home with friends, family, and of course, yourself. If you’re not the home buddy type, your weekends will likely be spent on thrill-seeking adventures. It doesn’t matter what activity you have in mind for as long as you skip the work during these days.

5. Take some time out.
If you had a really long day, learn to reward yourself by spending an hour or two at the spa or by watching your favorite movie at home. Taking some time out helps you feel refreshed. Let go of stress, and recharge!

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Nica loves books, writing, and photography. She likes to discover new dishes, places and try a lot of things. She dreams of having her own business but her grandest dream is to travel the world.