Marian is an interior designer turned freelance writer who loves…
We all include getting fit and leading a healthier lifestyle in our yearly resolutions, but how many of us actually do it? Sometimes it’s a matter of discipline, but other times it’s a matter of not quite knowing how to go about it. Which is where Tanya Dela Cruz, corporate gal turned fitness guru at the OneLife Studio, comes in.
Tanya was one of the experts invited to give a talk at Belle de Jour‘s first BDJ Rendezvous of the year, which was held on February 28 at the Glorietta 5 Activity Center. The event is part of an exciting program that aims to empower modern Filipinas to be the best that they can be by holding talks that are both informational and inspiring. These sessions cover topics that we can all relate to, such as health, career, and beauty.
If you missed her very enlightening talk, don’t fret–we took note of Tanya’s words of wisdom for you. Read on to discover what she had to say!
1. Change your fitness mindset.
Tanya reminded us that fitness is not just about achieving a model body—in fact, it’s not just about your body but your mind, spirit, and actions too. “Think holistically,” she said. “Work smart, not hard.” Don’t gauge the success of your workout on how tired you feel afterwards. Some exercises, such as yoga and Pilates, can leave you refreshed and more energetic. For some people, these are more effective, not to mention safer, than high-impact exercises. “Like fashion, there is no one size fits all. Know what works for you,” Tanya stressed.
2. Define your fitness goals.
It’s not enough to simply say that you want to lose a certain amount of weight. Tanya recommends having a detailed goal following the SMART acronym: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Time-bound. Identify your specific target weight and the measures you want to achieve (e.g. your ideal waist size in inches/centimeters), but make sure that these are attainable given your exercise regimen and diet. It’s also important that these targets are reasonable within your identified timeframe.
3. Start today.
Tanya’s message was short and direct to the point: Don’t start later or tomorrow or next week. Start now.
4. Start early.
There are many benefit to waking up early, including having more time to get things done and beating the traffic to your school or offices. Another advantage that Tanya pointed out was that if you get up early and tackle your daily workout before everything else, it’ll leave your evening free for you to spend however you wish.
5. Begin with little changes.
In the beginning, you may not be able to touch your toes or do those fifty crunches. That’s okay. “Plant the seed,” Tanya advised. “Be patient and nurturing.” Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the result you want right away. Keep at it, and soon, you’ll discover that what seemed impossible to you before is now well within your reach.
6. Be adventurous.
Despite the popularity of the “love at first sight” theme in books and movies, it rarely applies in real life. It’s the same with working out. You may not enjoy a particular exercise at first try, but allow yourself time to explore it further before throwing in the towel. Tanya said, “Try different things until you find what works for you.”
7. Take time to reassess.
Every so often, stop and evaluate your fitness regimen. Is it working for you? Are you losing weight, or has your progress plateaued? Check whether you need to adjust your exercise routine or your diet, and refine your targets as needed.
8. Become an inspiration.
Make a record of your progress, and share your experiences and learnings with other people. Not only will this encourage them to work on their personal fitness, it will also encourage you to strive harder. “You are your own best cheerleader,” Tanya reminded us. Practice positivity and enjoy what you do, and you’ll see that those good vibes will manifest themselves in different aspects of your life.
To learn more about Tanya and the OneLife Studio, visit
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Marian is an interior designer turned freelance writer who loves exploring the world on her feet and through her Kindle. Her favorite things to write about? Travel, lifestyle, coffee, and happily ever afters.