When she's not writing, Tazeana spends her day YouTubing cat…
There’s nothing wrong with trying to be healthy. At a time when you can get decent-tasting burger for under Php 50 and most jobs involve sitting in front of the computer all day, people eating salad and doing exercise is certainly a welcome – albeit a rare – sight.
As much as our generation leaves too much room for all the wrong practices, it also provides a lot of access to health focused products and services, radical diets, juice cleanses, yoga retreats, etc. But, some people take this opportunity and run too far with it.
At some point, your “concern” for your health may become unhealthy, morphing into something a little less innocent and a little more dangerous: obsession.
Are you worried? Here are some signs that you’re taking it too far.
Sign #1: You’re Never Relaxed About Anything Related to Weight

And we mean, NEVER. You panic at the slightest change or break in routine. Normal people would be able to cope with the occasional treat: a slice of pizza at a friend’s party or calling off the usual morning jog in exchange for a lazy day in bed. On the other hand, obsessed people can find themselves breaking down, having a panic attack, and getting angry or depressed. Having these highly emotional reactions can be a good sign that something’s not right.
Sign #2: You Compromise Everything Else in Life for “Health”

“Everything else” comprises your friendships, relationships, and every single aspect of life potentially threatened by your obsession with “staying fit and healthy”, which is now the center of your world. Significant other can’t stand the lengthy trips to the gym? Your relationship suffers. Your friends starting to feel annoyed by your overreactions over every single thing? This may also create strain in your friendship. It’s time to take a step back and reflect.
Sign #3: You Insist On Working Out Even When You’re Sick

One clear sign of obsession is stubbornness. Refusing to listen to what everyone says, including your parents and your doctor, is certainly bad. But, refusing to listen to what your body tells you is even worse. An injury or illness is a clear message that you’ve reached your limit and need to take it easy on the treadmill. If you’re still too stubborn to heed the warning, the obsession already has a firm grip on you.
Sign #4: Your Menstrual Cycle is All Messed Up

Again – listen to your body. Specifically, your uterus. Missing your period means your body is going through something abnormal, or something it’s not used to. Irregular menstrual cycles can mean you’re overtraining and enduring more than you should. This time, your body is saying you’re not fit or healthy enough to rear a child. Pushing your body too far can also contribute to osteoporosis, something that will significantly hurt you in later life.
Remember why you decided to hit the gym and cut down on sugar and carbs. Staying active and eating right is supposed to serve your body and your personal life, not expose it to risk of damage and emotional strain. When in doubt, always refer back to one of life’s grand rules: do everything in moderation.
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When she's not writing, Tazeana spends her day YouTubing cat and dog videos and daydreaming about Jollibee fried chicken.