Ana Valenzuela graduated with a degree in AB Literature from…
Resolutions are part of ringing in the New Year. We bet that you too, have your own targets: travel, health, self-improvement, etc. However, don’t just write down those goals, make them a reality. Start with these seven easy tips:

1. Set SMART goals.
The key is when you are setting those goals, it should be SMART: it should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. If one of your resolutions is to travel more. Instead of just writing down, “I will go to Boracay this year”, go with”I will go to Boracay with friends on Labor Day and save P10,000 for my expenses.”

2. Aim for doable goals.
If one of your New Year’s Resolution is to have a house of your own, but then you only about half of your monthly salary stowed in your bank account, then maybe you need to rethink that goal. A house is a long-term investment that needs some moolah to get it going. Instead of gunning for that house, why not shift you goals to getting an initial payment. Investing in stocks or mutual funds is one way, looking for affordable loans is another.

3. Think about you need to do
When setting your goals, you need to know who is involved, what it is that you want to accomplish, and other specifics. If one of your goals is to shed off some pounds. You need to know how many hours a day you need to exercise as well as what diet will work for you. If you want a leaner midsection, then think about having a low-carb diet and spend time on some crunches. If you want to get promoted, consider getting an MA degree, taking on extra responsibilities, and maintaining a better relationship with your boss.

4. Set a deadline.
Lose 20 pounds in three months. Finish reviewing for the board exams by April. Save P10,000 for solo trip by March. Honestly, setting the deadline to the end of the year may be more flexible, but where is the challenge in that? After all, once you get it done, there is nothing really but maintaining what you have already achieved. Plus, you might even make a better that what you previously targeted.

5. Visualize how you want your year to be.
Create a mental image of the things you want. Vision boards are a great way to remind you of how you planned your 2016 to be. Paste photos of your goals as well as how you want to feel. Get as creative as you want, and fashion as many boards as you want.

6. Have a support group.
As they say, no man is an island, especially if you want something. Tell friends and family about your plans for the year. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to move forward with your goals. These select few will help you out and root for you to keep going. What more, they will also be happy for you once you have achieved your goals.

7. Celebrate milestones.
Finally, mark those days when you are on the right track to making those targets a reality. Reward yourself once you have achieved those targets. Also, don’t forget to thank those who have cheered you on along the way.

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Ana Valenzuela graduated with a degree in AB Literature from UST. She has written for several media outlets. She is currently taking her Master's from UP.