Ella Greene loves eating, dyeing her hair with the colors…
In a world where a certain body type dominates the covers of magazines, not to mention the posters of blockbuster movies and more, having a body type that doesn’t conform can cause heartache. When you add things like fat shaming to the mix and discrimination against obese employees, it can be hard to love your body when you have a few too many curves than you see on department store mannequins and billboard models. But a healthy, beautiful woman should have no need to hide her light—or her curves—under a bushel. In fact, there are definite benefits to be a curvy woman that you might want to consider. Keep reading to learn about a few of them.

1. Men love curves.
Straight lines are boring, and curves create movement and flow—need I say more? You’re not only a woman, you are a work of art, a drug, even. They get a high off your curves, to be exact. Scientists found out that men get the same faculties of their brains stimulated, the same way pleasurable drugs do, when seeing curvaceous bodies.

2. You’ll make A+ babies.
No, we’re not being biased. Studies show that plus size women make smarter babies. Omega-3 fatty acid DHA being the most vital element in a baby’s development is abundant in curvy women, hence the absolutely rational conclusion. Score one for the big girls!

3. You’re bootylicious.
As Beyonce said, “I don’t think you can handle this.” Sports Illustrated thought otherwise when they came out with a swimsuit ad with a legit plus size model, Ashley Graham, in a tiny bikini—thinking the world was ready for curves and bikinis. Are we really capable of handling that much sexy in one tiny bikini, though? Only people with a pea-size brain will say no.

4. Curvier can mean smarter.
Oprah, Melissa McCarthy, Beyoncé, and Dawn French—the list goes on! Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of California at Santa Barbara have reported that women with lower waist-to-hip ratio scored higher on cognitive tests. The study showed that “women with waists that were about 70 percent of the diameter of their hips scored slightly better on intelligence tests and tended to have a slightly higher level of education than women with a higher waist-to-hip ratio, or WHR.” Again, this was attributed to the Omega-3 fatty acids stored on the hips and thighs that foster brain growth.

5. You’re stronger for it.
Realistically, life is all about survival of the fittest, and science has proven that curvy women are more likely to outlast slimmer ones. We don’t need a man to protect us, or even rescue us. Curvy women won’t trouble you with gender roles because we can do the heavy lifting, and the rescuing, quite well on our own. We don’t need men to feel beautiful or sexy, because we are empowered by our own. We are empowered by strong women. Our oozing confidence not only makes us physically healthy, but also emotionally and mentally.

So the next time someone suggests those curves might be unattractive, show them what’s what and flaunt your stuff! After all, curvy or skinny, the sexiest trait a woman can have is confidence. Just remember these benefits and don’t let the shamers get you down.
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Ella Greene loves eating, dyeing her hair with the colors of the rainbow and the idea of being in love. Aside from being an optimistic hopeless romantic, she is also an aspiring rapper. Her free days are spent practicing rhymes in the dark corners of her room.