Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop,…
We know that for the average modern Filipina, the typical day is an enormous to-do list—there’s so much to attend to. You spend your mornings planning and running around in the office. Come afternoon, you face three-hour meetings and finishing the last wave of paperwork and deliverables. Even when it’s time to clock out, you’ll often find your day isn’t over yet.
You spend your countless days surrounded by people. You’re always going somewhere, seeing to something, chatting with someone, and planning for the next day. No matter where you are, you’re always doing something.

But what if you momentarily stepped away from everything else and took some time to be alone? Contrary to popular belief, being alone is not such a bad thing. In fact, it’s one the best gifts you can give yourself. An hour or two (or three!) of solitude gives us the opportunity to stop serving others and get some of the rest and relaxation we deserve.
Our busy schedules push us to the brink of burning out. By spending some alone time, we prevent ourselves from going overboard. Here are a few reasons some “me” time is essential to your well-being:

1. It clears your mind.
Our heads are capable of storing a lot of information and memories. It’s also constantly processing new data and experiences. We spend every single day racking our minds for ideas and opinions. Unfortunately, we weren’t born with dual processors; we can run our brains ragged and still fail to process the information overload we get at work. Spending some time alone empties your mind of everything for a little while; it frees your head and reboots your thinking.
Also read: 5 Ways You Can Meditate Anywhere

2. You’ll understand yourself better.
The absence of people encourages you to find yourself outside their opinions. Alone time gives you the opportunity to understand yourself better. What is your opinion on this subject? How do you really feel about this particular decision? You’ll discover your passions, interests, values, and both likes and dislikes. You can also give yourself a mini-retreat or workshop and assess your strengths and weaknesses, finding ways to boost the former and improve on the latter. You’ll get a better feel of yourself and your place in the world.

3. It lets you slow down when you’re in hectic mode.
Life is a busy affair. You are always doing something for someone, and sometimes you get stretched so thin that you forget to give yourself a break. Remember you are not a machine; you need to hit the pause button from time to time. Taking some time off encourages you to appreciate the little things around you. It also helps you prevent that dreaded burnout.

4. It gives you time to reflect.
If you can find a quiet spot when you’re alone, it will give you a renewed appreciation for silence. This helps you quiet your frantic thoughts and worries and just focus on the moment, giving you time to step back and reflect on everything that’s going on. As we’ve already said, this can help you gain a better understanding of yourself. For immediate benefits, it can help you refocus and prioritize so you can get a handle on the rest of your day or week.

Sometimes, we just need a little alone time, and you have to remind yourself that that’s okay. Taking time out for some “me” time comes with benefits. Pulling yourself away from distractions allows you to know yourself better and experience peaceful solitude. Take some time off from your busy schedule and allow yourself to reflect on your own. This lets you come bouncing back to work refreshed, re-energized, and possibly with great new perspectives on how to do things better, solve nagging problems, and more.
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Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop, and corgis. She spends her free time dancing like one of those balloon things you see in malls.