Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop,…

The summer season is here, which means the season of exposed skin, string bikinis, and waxes has also arrived.
After the holidays, you’re starting to regret the excess food intake. Eating them was pleasurable, but now that summer has arrived, you wonder if your body is ready for the beach. Some Modern Filipinas want to shed the excess pounds before they go on road trips with friends — you might be one of them.
So, you decided to lose weight — fast. You’ve got no time and frankly, you don’t want to struggle much. Unfortunately, that’s not the solution.
Too Fast Weight Loss: A Myth

For some people, a healthy weight loss involves losing one or two pounds per week. It’s tempting to try, but there’s no such thing as losing weight too fast.
Girl, it’s not about the speed; it’s all about the method. How you lose the weight is the most important part. If you start losing weight by eating healthy and doing regular exercise, maintenance shouldn’t a problem. On the other hand, if you shed pounds through crash diets, cleanses, or starvation, everything you lost will come back quickly.
Baby Steps Matter

It’s only natural to want the hourglass figure now, but taking drastic measures is not the answer. Contrary to popular belief, the smallest changes make the biggest difference.
Introducing changes gradually is always the best start. For example, if you love munching on extra biscuits every week, you’re at risk of gaining 5lbs each year. Cut that biscuit out of your daily meals, and you can lose the same amount.
Weight loss goes beyond just swapping full-milk for semi-skimmed; it’s all about permanent changes. Baby steps train you to get used to the changes. Forcing yourself to lose weight now might bear serious effects physically and mentally.
Overworking Never Works

You want to lose weight now, so giving yourself some time off might not be an option. But, if you’re always stressed, you’re sabotaging your weight loss plans.
Excess stress places your body into emergency mode, which encourages the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. Your body wants to run or keep walking, but you don’t do anything; you’re just sitting there in a pool of stress. As a result, it depletes your energy levels, which hinders proper digestion and your immune system.
The Struggle is Necessary

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to take an easier path, there’s something better with knowing you worked hard for your body. It’s the old saying: good things come to those who wait. In your case, good things come to those who work hard and play hard.
If you depend heavily on quick solutions, how can you develop discipline? Discipline is important, especially if you’re aiming to maintain your new weight. Losing weight should be a struggle that imparts important lessons. This might sound harsh, but you have to undergo the challenges of weight loss without cutting corners.
Going through these challenges builds you up. It’s hard, I know, but once you see the fruit of your labor, you appreciate it better.
This summer season, don’t force yourself to lose weight IMMEDIATELY. Give yourself and your body some time to adjust to the new diet and exercise. Small and consistent actions offer the biggest impact on your weight goals. Just be committed.
Also, don’t fear the struggle — embrace it. The hardships and challenges you experience make all of your labors sweet and definitely worth it.
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Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop, and corgis. She spends her free time dancing like one of those balloon things you see in malls.