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10 Times James Reid Swept Us Off Our Feet on Instagram

10 Times James Reid Swept Us Off Our Feet on Instagram

So, James Reid happened. We swear, this guy has the power to make us instantly turn to mush. He’s the reason why we look forward to coming home every day–we just couldn’t be happier seeing him on-screen after a long day’s work. Just look at those eyes, that great smile, those abs…

No doubt, there’s no such thing as having “too much James Reid.” So while we’re waiting for On the Wings of Love to grace our screens tonight, here are 10 pics from James Reid’s Instagram account that will surely make you swoon:

1. Seriously, just look at those eyes.

black and white photo with hands

2. Yes, Clark, we believe that rose is for all of us.

red rose in the middle

3. How cute is he?

dark jacket

4. If he’s our gym buddy, we’ll forever be gym rats, promise.

gym lifting

5. We can just fall right into those arms.

sleeveless tee

6. This guy can do nothing wrong in our books.

circular sunglasses

7. Here he is having fun at the Sinulog festival. With this photo in existence, there is indeed much to celebrate about.

having fun

8. He. is. just. so. irresistible.

light colored hoodie

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group of filipina women studying

9. Look at him, all suited up.

formal suit

10. Those abs, that smile.

gym venue

Seriously James, we’re forever yours. <3

sitting on the ground

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