Isabelle Sierra is a small lady working in a big…
Do you like that one song of a band, or do you have their entire discography? Do you enjoy watching the series, or have you memorized all the punchlines? Do you love that book, or did you already do your research on its critique, timeline, sequel, and possible cross-overs?

Fangirl-land is a territory not to be crossed lightly, but if you do decide to take the plunge, it can be just plain awesome. Here are tell-tale signs you’ve become one of them.
1. You are an encyclopedia on all things about the fandom.

Case in point: Star Wars fans
Six feature films, three spinoff films, five television series, plus video games, books, and merchandise, plus a big chunk of the internet, all devoted to the Star Wars universe, and you’re sure to get rabid fans who know everything. From movie mistakes to Yoda’s very first word in Episode I, the legit fan can tell you what’s what.
2. You are a proud stalker.

Case in point: 1D fans
Directioners are unabashedly skilled stalkers, be it in digital platforms with their savvy and sneaky ways with hashtags, or in person during concerts and tours, where fans are willing to lose sleep and wait at airports or hotels just to get a glimpse of their favorite before all the fans crowd around the boys they adore.
3. You are ready for debate.

Case in point: Lord of The Rings fans
Stephen Colbert is one—no, not just any fan, but possibly the biggest LOTR fan to ever walk the earth. He’s been constantly challenged for quiz and debate, and he’s always won. He even did a cosplay of Bilbo, Gandalf, and Legolas for Entertainment Weekly. Sayeth the mere knight of our land, woe unto thee ye who seek to undermine the Lord Colbert’s status of King of the Nerds.
4. You are not ready to give it up yet.

Case in point: Harry Potter fans
The Potterheads have been consistent in their devotion for decades now. Even now the series are all over, the books all read and reread, a new fact, new story, new arc, new angle, seem to find their way of cropping up. Even if the stars seemed to have all moved on, we, the fans, never die and still hold out hope our love for the Golden trio and their life will never die. Once a Potter fan, always a Potter fan.
5. You are used to people hating on your faves.

Case in point: Twilight fans
Remember when everybody loved Twilight? Well, remember when everybody hated Twilight? They don’t seem far off, but they are distinct periods that strengthened the bonds for the Twihards. The stars of the loved-and-hated show grew into bigger roles later, but the fans kept at their heels and just endured all the critique. Deep down, they still blush at that lion and the lamb quote. You know you do.
6. You are an expert in saving, so you can afford merch.

Case in point: Taylor Swift fans
Tay is making bucks with all her merch from her official shop. From regular merch items like shirts, to tote bag, guitar pick and phone cases, to the more odd unique Taylor Swift items like ear headbands, Keds, and Meredith/Olivia inspired items, she’s got it all. Her fans are making ka-ching as well with their own Etsy shops that offer unique items inspired by her songs, and well, her life.
7. You are the leader of a new religion.

Case in point: Beyonce fans
The swear-by, die-hard Beyonce fans are more than individuals who share adoration over her songs, but over who she is, as well. Bey is known to do good, promoting kindness, diversity, compassion, and gender and racial equity. She’s incorporated a lot of her advocates in her songs and performances. From a powerful call by ChimamandaNgoziAdichie to the Hands Up Don’t Shoot, she’s done them all.
8. You are a changed person.

Case in point: How I Met Your Mother
You know how after watching a TV series, most feel lost, like they don’t know what else to do? HIMYM fans do it differently. They live a changed life. They find family in their friends, hope in the most ironic moments of life, and continue to hold out hope for their very own yellow umbrella. If it comes, then it comes. If it doesn’t, maybe it still will.
Fandoms are fun and, for the most part, harmless, so why not indulge in the things that make you go squee? What’s your fandom? Leave a comment to share!
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Isabelle Sierra is a small lady working in a big city. She likes making references to popular culture, cutting her own hair and dreaming about alternate universes.