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What Jedi Master Yoda Can Teach You About Love

What Jedi Master Yoda Can Teach You About Love

Star Wars is a way of life for some people, especially the die-hard fans. With the memorable characters and quotable quotes, who can blame them? It’s been months since the intergalactic hype and we’re still in awe of the amazing series.

Some Modern Filipinas cringe or roll their eyes at the mention of Star Wars. You might think it’s all about lightsaber battles and aliens. But, there’s more to the series than it seems. In fact, it offers valuable lessons in the form of a small Jedi Master named Yoda.

GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy
GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy

His series of quotes are applicable in all areas of life — especially in the field of love and relationships. Since it’s February (aka the Month of Love, Single Awareness, and Giggling), see how his wisdom applies to this complex aspect:

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”

GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy
GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy

One of Yoda’s most important pieces of advice to Luke is about fear. The Jedi Master may be referring to the Dark Side of the Force, but his warning is relevant to all of us.

Perhaps love is knocking on your door right now, but you’re afraid to answer it. You might have loved before and ended up getting hurt or it’s your first time and you don’t know what to expect. Because of your fear, you’re less than willing to give love a chance.

It’s normal to be scared, but will you let it hold you back? Succumbing to your fears is easy, but the consequences can be dire. Rather than regret it in the end, be bold and confront your worries. You never know what love will bring this time around.

Luke: “I don’t believe it.”

Yoda: “That is why you fail.”

GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy
GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy

The quote is simple, but it strikes where it hurts. When it comes to doubting yourself, Yoda’s advice is straight to the point: just don’t.

Sometimes, relationships face the problem of doubts. Everything seems rocky and you wonder if the time and effort are worth it. You want the relationship to work, but you consider yourself the root of the problem. Maybe, ending it is the best solution.

Many of us give up at the first sign of trouble. When you’re on the verge of wanting everything to end, it’s time for a heart check: do you believe that your love still has a chance? Because if you do, then it has. Otherwise, it doesn’t.

“Patience you must have, my young padawan.”

GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy
GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy

Committing to someone involves embracing EVERYTHING about them — not just the good points, but also their flaws. Some mistakes are easy to forgive, but your significant other will always have habits that annoy you. In time, your patience will run out.

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But, according to the Bible, love is patient and it bears all things. Despite your significant other’s habit of nagging or forgetting anniversaries, you still love them. It’s natural to want them to change. Forcing them to change now, however, shouldn’t be the case.

Instead, love them by being patient. Everyone is still a work in progress and that includes you. Practice patience and hope for the best.

“Do or do not. There is no try.”

GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy
GIF from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back via Giphy

You want to be successful in the field of love and relationships? Take a line from Shia LaBeouf’s famous speech: JUST DO IT.

Love is uncertain and it’ll always be that way. You wonder if you should take the plunge or just dip your feet to test the water. Honey, testing the waters won’t get you far in this department. If you really want something, don’t try to get it — get it or don’t.

Yoda knows a thing or two about life and taking his quotes by heart is a plus. Just remember his words of wisdom when love sucks you in its enigmatic and complicated world.

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