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We Love the New “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Trailer!

We Love the New “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Trailer!

The official Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer is out, and it’s making us all giddy! First, it give us all the nostalgia feels (the Millenium Falcon! Chewy! Han Solo)! It seems like Han Solo and Chewbacca are playing a pivotal role in the movie–bridging this film with its predecessors. Viewers are also reminded of the Star Wars that they have grown up to and loved, and the seventh installment fits well into the epic movie series. Of course, everything looks upgraded and shiny and brand new, but we’re glad that Episode VII doesn’t drastically depart from the original film franchise.

Screencap from Star Wars: The Force Awakens via YouTube
Screencap from Star Wars: The Force Awakens via YouTube

Two, it has a female lead–and she reminds us of Luke Skywalker! Rey seems like a nobody from the seemingly insignificant planet Jakku, and the trailer reveals that the “force is calling out to her.” We can’t wait to see more of this kickass female lead, and we’re sure that she wouldn’t disappoint.

Third, Adam Driver! He’s the rabid Darth Vader fanboy (he actually has a Darth Vader shrine, for crying out loud) who plays the evil antagonist in the movie, and we love that while he sounds like Darth Vader, there’s also a distinct Adam Driver tone to his voice. Trust us, he’s nothing like Lena Dunham’s love interest in Girls, and we certainly welcome this fresh departure from his usual goofball roles.

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But enough about our fangirl babbling. Check out the trailer here:

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