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3 Easy Ways to Update Your Smoky Eye Look

3 Easy Ways to Update Your Smoky Eye Look

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Probably the sexiest eye makeup, the smoky eye goes for a blended yet smudgy look of different eye shadow colors. The -ber months are also perfect for this look, given the gloomy weather. Why don’t you give your smoky eye look an update this time around? Here are three easy tricks for you to try:

1. Go for a different color.

Smoky eye is all about black and grey. But, don’t think for a second that you can’t try this look with other colors. Brown offers a softer look, making it perfect for daytime. Another option is to go for gold or bronze color. If you have mastered the dark smoky eye, you can definitely experiment with other hues. Check out Laura Leth’s tutorial below on how to do the brown smoky eye.

2. Work every angle

Instead of the usual circular smoky eye, why not try fusing two makeup trends: that is smokey eye and the winged tip? After doing the traditional smoky eye makeup, place a wet wipe on your nose to the tip of brow, and remove the excess makeup. Use cotton buds to perfect the edge. Work on your winged tip using the edge as your guide on where to pencil in that winged tip. Putting tape on the corner of your eye to the end of your brows is also another makeup hack.  You could also try the Chloe Morello’s way of doing the winged tip smoky eye by checking out her video:

3. Customize according to your eye shape

If you have droopy eyes, best to finish with the medium shade before the end of the brow and the dark shade above the outer crease, increasing to the edge of the brows. For a bigger eye effect, forego the lids and part that eyeshadow on the creases. For close-set eyes, create the illusion of space by using light colors on the inner corners. For wide-set eyes, focus your liner on the centre and inner corner of your eyes, this is also where your darkest shade will go. If you have hooded eyes, best to go with matte shades and watch how Tina Yong does hers.

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