When she's not writing, Tazeana spends her day YouTubing cat…
Makeup is a great tool for when you want to amp up your look so you come off as fresh, party-ready, and powerful. But don’t be fooled, it can make you look old and stressed as quickly and easily as it can make you look pretty. Don’t let misused power be the cause of your very downfall. Use makeup right.
Below are some common makeup mistakes you need to avoid.

1. Applying too-dark lipstick
This crime is forgivable for girls with plump lips. But for those sporting more of a Kirsten Dunst look, a dark shade for your pucker is not an option. Colors like purple or dark brown tend to make your mouth appear smaller and less highlighted. If you’re going for the Scarlett Johansson look, go for lighter shades, like cherry pink or an inoffensive red.

2. Using a foundation that doesn’t match your skin tone
This is a classic mistake for girls wanting to have a lighter complexion. First of all, whatever skin tone you have, it’s perfect the way it is. Instead of covering it up with deceiving colors, utilize foundation as a tool to emphasize it. Second, girls wearing foundation a shade darker or lighter than the color of their neck look like floating heads. If that doesn’t persuade you, what will?

3. Applying blush too low on your cheeks
Blushers are tricky little tools of the trade. Best case scenario, their contouring powers make you resemble Angelina Jolie. Worst case: you’re an aging clown at a kid’s party. First of all, pick the best shade for your skin. Complement is everything. Second, apply it correctly—not too low on your cheekbones. You don’t want people to think your face is sagging, do you?

4. Forgetting to line and define your brows
Ladies, never underestimate the power of your eyebrow game. It’s amazing to see how filled-in and well-plucked eyebrows can magically transform your face from washed-out and old, to vibrant and selfie-ready.

5. Overdoing the lip liner
Lip liners are great; they help you give your lips definition, and you can apply it to your lips for full coverage before dabbing on lipstick for a longer-lasting effect. But it’s best to keep to just one shade darker than your lipstick. Otherwise, it may make you look like you belong in a Cyndi Lauper music video. You can indulge from time to time, but make sure you pick the right shade and apply it the right way.

If you’re guilty of one or two of these makeup crimes, then today is a perfect time to repent. Good luck!
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When she's not writing, Tazeana spends her day YouTubing cat and dog videos and daydreaming about Jollibee fried chicken.