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Rejuvenate Your Skin for the Summer with Fruit-Infused Body Scrubs

Rejuvenate Your Skin for the Summer with Fruit-Infused Body Scrubs

Are you ready to put on those toned arms-exposing, sexy shoulders-baring, and taut mid-riff-revealing outfits when the temperature rises?
Image from Stokpic on Pexels


Summer is upon us, which means that it’s the perfect time to show off some skin! Whether it’s crop tops, shoulder-baring pieces, high-waisted shorts or that bikini we’ve been saving for the beach — there’s no doubt that we love to beat the heat with our skin-revealing outfits.

But before the temperature rises further and you trade your T-shirt for an off-shoulder blouse, you might think “Am I really ready to show off my skin?”

If your skin has been a looking a little bit dull, there’s an easy way to brighten it up and achieve a natural healthy glow for those skin-baring summer pieces.

Exfoliating with Body Scrubs

Exfoliation increases blood circulation, improving your skin’s tone and retaining its healthy glow
Image from Breakingpic on Pexels

Shedding dead skin cells is vital for glowing, youthful skin but as we age, this process slows down. Exfoliating your skin (which includes your face and body) is important to stimulate the renewal cycle of your skin. After gently exfoliating dry skin cells, your skin will feel smoother and look refreshed. Exfoliating also increases blood circulation, which improve your skin’s tone and helps retain that healthy glow.

Without regular exfoliation, you will end up with clogged pores that block moisture from getting into the deep layers of your face and body. Clogged pores create an unattractive exterior that contributes to the dullness of your skin.

The best way to exfoliate your skin is by using body scrubs. They not only effectively remove dead skin cells, but they also smoothen your skin and help reduce the appearance of dark spots and blemishes. Body scrubs also allow your moisturizer to work better, minimizing the appearance of large pores and making sure your skin stays well-hydrated.

Fruit-infused body scrubs with Dead Sea minerals

Fruits pack a lot of vitamins and minerals that benefit the skin: oranges are high in vitamin C, which brighten and lighten skin; apples contain lactic acid, and mixed with a fine powder, it can slough away dead skin cells, and kiwi is high in antioxidants, fighting off free radicals and detoxifying your skin
Image from Pixabay on Pexels

The best thing about body scrubs is that you can enjoy a wide array of ingredients without worrying too much about sensitivity. For those who want to get the best results, we recommend using fruit-infused body scrubs that combine Dead Sea minerals with natural oils.

Fruits have become a go-to ingredient for skin care because they have a lot of benefits for people suffering from premature aging, acne, dullness and dark spots. Fruits are also a wonderful source of minerals and vitamins that play a vital role in producing collagen to firm the skin.

Meanwhile, Dead Sea salt contains 21 materials that are known to detoxify, cleanse and treat our bodies. For instance, magnesium promotes quick healing of skin tissue, bromide soothes the skin and potassium helps balance moisture in the skin and body. All of these minerals and more are found in Dead Sea salt granules.

If you’re looking for a product that offers the benefits of Dead Sea salt and fruits, world-leading cosmetics brand Jericho has body scrubs in mango and kiwi that exfoliate, nourish and soften the skin. Both products contain Dead Sea salt minerals that promote the natural shedding of the skin, accelerating skin replenishment to deliver a clear and radiant complexion. The body scrubs are also non-irritating, paraben-free and not tested on animals.

Peeling Scrub Sheer Embrace (Mango). This is a gentle body exfoliator with natural oils that calm and soothe the skin, leaving the body smooth, soft and moisturized.
Image from Jericho
Smoothing Body Scrub Sheer Embrace (Kiwi and Mango). This body scrub combines the soothing and therapeutic properties of Dead Sea salt minerals with aromatic oils, leaving the skin feeling smooth and nourished. This is available in two variants, Kiwi and Mango.

We love baring a little extra skin during the summer but before showing off those gorgeous shoulders and legs, don’t forget to give your skin a healthy exfoliation treat. It won’t only help reduce your skin problems, but it will also leave you with a natural glow that will last all summer and even all year long.

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