Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop,…
Flawlessly smooth and hairless underarms—that’s one beauty goal many Modern Filipinas share. We girls remove that underarm fuzz to experience freedom with our clothes. No need to worry about exposing wisps of hair when wearing your favorite tube top or dress. Smoother underarms give us the courage to wear anything, minus the worries.

Today, there are different methods associated with underarm hair removal. Three of the most popular ones are shaving, plucking and waxing. There remains an ongoing debate on which method is the best. To get a better idea of which underarm beauty fix suits you best, we’ve listed some pros and cons for each method.
When you shave, all you need is a razor and shaving cream, and you’re ready to go.
Pros: Shaving removes your underarm hair using a razor or other bladed instrument. This is probably the most popular hair-removal method because it’s quick and easy; you can shave your underarm hair anytime, anywhere. Compared to waxing and plucking, shaving is also relatively painless. Since the hair is not removed from the root, the pain is next to nothing. Shaving is also inexpensive and convenient; there’s no need to book an appointment at a day spa or salon. All you need is shaving cream or soap and a razor.

Cons: Shaving offers short-term results. Because the hair’s root is not removed, the hair will continue to grow. Therefore, you have to shave often. Regular shaving also causes ingrown hair, which leads to razor bumps and skin irritation. Shaving too often also interrupts the skin’s natural cycle. It exposes new cells prematurely, which leads to damaged and dry “chicken skin.”
Your underarm hair roots stand no chance against the power of tweezers.
Pros: Tweezing/plucking pulls the hair out by the root. This guarantees longer results compared to shaving. It’s also a cheaper alternative to waxing. All you need is a pair of tweezers, and you’re ready to go. No need to book an appointment as either; you can do it yourself and as time passes, the results become semi-permanent.

Cons: Tweezing takes time. It also causes minor abrasions to your skin, making it look bumpy and leaving your pores enlarged. Plucking is also painful because it pulls your hair from the roots. This magnifies the pain and also causes further irritation to your skin.
There’s nothing better than a good wax for a longer stubble-free season.
Pros: Waxing is the best option if you want to remain stubble-free for a longer period of time. Waxing removes your hair from the root, which gives you smoother underarms. Melted wax is spread on the skin and is pulled off the opposite direction. Waxing can be done at home or by professionals. Results last up from 6 to 8 weeks.

Cons: Waxing can be painful, although some procedures nowadays are less so. Waxing is not as convenient compared to plucking and shaving. Before you get rewaxed, your hair should grow 1/8 to 1.4 inch, so there will be periods where you might not want to wear sleeveless tops.
Shaving, waxing and plucking are all effective steps toward hairless pits. Whatever you choose, you’re guaranteed of smoother, brighter pits perfect for rocking those dresses or tube tops. Which method do you use, and what do you like about it?
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Ashley is an awkward potato in love with words, Kpop, and corgis. She spends her free time dancing like one of those balloon things you see in malls.