A 20-year old girl who has a big heart for…
Happy 2016, Modern Filipinas! Want to spice up your relationship with your man this year? Here are fun wallet-friendly date ideas that you could go for:

1. Go on a picnic.
Picnic dates are so underrated. Seriously, tell me something cuter than sitting under a tree with your guy while eating sandwiches (or pizza!) and playing board games. It’s time to put that dusty picnic basket out. For this date, all you need is a mat, some food and each other. You can visit La Mesa Ecopark, Ayala Triangle Gardens, Legaspi Park, Terra 28th and Track 30th, or even head out to Nuvali in the South for a picturesque view.

2. Go to gigs.
Have you checked out the local indie music scene lately (If not, you should!)? Take your guy to your favorite artist’s gig for an awesome night! Isn’t it fun jamming with the band, your friends and the whole crowd while your hands are locked with each other? Check out Route 196, Saguijo or Mow’s. Some gigs don’t have entrance fee but if they do have one, they just usual ranging from P100 to P200 with a free beer or snack.

3. Walk around the neighborhood.
Just explore the city together. You can go to the places you usually just see on your way somewhere. No rush. No destination. Just the two of you spending time and enjoying each other’s company. You can feed the cats, birds and fish at Greenbelt, visit the Saturday Market at Salcedo or just look around the shops at Maginhawa.

4. Chill out with ice cream.
When you both get tired of walking around, you can just pick up a spot and sit there with some ice cream or whatever you guys want. Talk to him about anything. Go and immerse yourself in the conversation. I suggest sitting in front of convenience stores, benches at the mall’s park or simply anywhere you can comfortably sit and talk.

5. Go grocery shopping.
Who said dates can’t be productive, too? Hit two birds with one stone by inviting him to go with you to the supermarket. Trust me, it’s gonna be fun! Even as simple as window shopping can be one of your happiest dates ever.

6. Visit museums.
I wonder why so many people dismiss the thought of going to museums. It’s fun, you get to see creative, meaningful and really amazing objects around you and you can probably learn a thing or two. It’s nice to be surrounded with things people passionately worked hard for. After all, isn’t that what love is about? You can visit National Museum, Ayala Museum or Yuchengco Museum. Entrance fees range from P100-150.

7. Go bowling, skating or biking.
Engage in physical activities such as bowling, skating or biking. Aside from all the fun you can have, studies also show that couples who jointly participate in such activities are more satisfied in their relationships because it mimics the thrill we get from romantic attraction. You can also opt for a jogging sesh. It’s free, fun and will help you stay fit and fab! #relationshipgoals

8. Play video games.
Here’s another fun thing to do. Why don’t you invite your guy to play arcade games or try to pick all those cute stuffed toys with a claw that never works? It would be fun, plus, all you need are a few coins… or a lot! Dates don’t have to be too mushy and cheesy all the time.

9. Have a movie marathon at home.
Watching movies at home allows you to comfortably put your feet up on the couch, sit in any position you like or cuddle without thinking if it’s too touchy-clingy for other people. Plus, you can watch your favorite chick flicks, action movies or even the scariest movie you both are too scared to see before.

10. Stay in and cuddle.
Nothing beats a good old cuddlefest with your SO. Just try staying in for a day. No need to dress fancy or do something interesting, just you and your guy snuggling and engaging in long conversations. While cuddling, you can try playing 20 questions. No holds barred!

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A 20-year old girl who has a big heart for the local indie music scene, sunflowers, cats, summer, art, city lights, beaches and anything and everything vibrant. She's currently into PR, Events and Marketing and cheerfully works for freebies, free passes and free food. Say hi on twitter and instagram, @yzatolentino.