Let’s cut right to the chase. If you were given the chance to ask your ex-significant other a question that has been nagging you all this time, would you have the courage to ask him? Will you even give him the opportunity to answer and explain? What will you ask? We asked a couple of women who had gone through some of the most difficult relationships with their exes, and here are the 10 hugot questions that they said they’ll ask:

1. Why did you choose to lie when I gave you every chance to tell the truth?
SITUATION: When you want to find out why he opted to lie instead of letting you know that he doesn’t love you anymore or that he has found someone else. Just make sure you’re ready to accept his answer.
2. Was she worth it?
SITUATION: When you want to know why he started fooling around when you both agreed that cheating is going to be a deal breaker in the relationship.

3. San ako nagkulang? Was I never good enough for you?
SITUATION: You have this nagging need to find out why he decided to turn a blind eye on your pleas to stop cheating or hurting you. Self-doubt is a big no-no. Remember that you are a great person and that you don’t need a man to complete you.
4. If it wasn’t cheating, what then do you call it?
SITUATION: Apparently, guys caught cheating on their girls often claim that they weren’t cheating. This is a tricky question to ask which may or may not spark an honest and sincere answer. He may own up to his fault or the both of you just might find another reason to argue.

5. Why didn’t you fight for us?
SITUATION: For those times or situations when you felt your partner gave up or just refused to budge when you needed him to choose and decide the most. For those days when you were counting on him to save the relationship because you remember him promising you forever.

6. Do I ever cross your mind?/Do you even miss me?
SITUATION: A seemingly good question to ask a guy whom you’ve been with for several years, and one day just ghosted on you. Because you deserve to know why he just decided to leave without telling you.
7. Bakit ayaw mo mag-let go?
SITUATION: For the guy you have to keep on reminding that you’ve already parted ways. It’s flattering to a certain point but something’s just wrong that he doesn’t want to let go.

8. Did you really love me or were you just guilty?
SITUATION: There’s this nagging feeling that he wasn’t really invested in the relationship the whole time and was just there out of guilt?

9. Bakit hindi ako ang pinili mo?
SITUATION: When you know you’ve done your best and given everything, and yet he left you for someone else.

10. Do you regret anything?
SITUATION: Because you would like to know if he even regrets anything about the breakup.
No one likes to be kept hanging. We’re sure you have a million questions to ask your ex, but the thing is, will the answers even matter? Will they change your situation? And most importantly, will they help you move on? If asking these questions will give you the closure that you need, then fire away. But if you need more time to heal, then it would be best if you forget about your ex for a moment and focus on nurturing yourself instead.