Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to…
Being in a relationship is like going on a diet. Sometimes it works, sometimes, you just want to cry when you look in the mirror. I’ve been in relationships myself, and as much as I love being in love, I also believe there are pros to being single. Here are five reasons singlehood is good for you.

1. You can have all the “me-time” that you want.
Being single means having more time for yourself and the people around you. It means freedom to do whatever you want (#solobackpacking), whenever you want (pizza at 2:00 A.M., yes?), without reservations. Remember, your love life is only a small percentage of your being.

2. #MoneyGoals
Congrats! You eventually dumped your trophy-bae after all these agonizing months. Time to bring out your inner tita and focus on saving for a brighter future and make the banks happier.

3. Two Words: Social Media
Whoever said, “Who needs a love life when you have WiFi?” deserves a glass of beer. Not only is she or he correct, she or he also nailed the benefit of owning technology, an important tool that makes gives anyone a voice, a shot to stardom, or be somebody even for a brief moment.

4. Singlehood is a time for you to love yourself.
Singlehood is a great time for you to discover who you are and what makes you happy. Admit it, you don’t have much time for reflection when you’re swept up in a relationship.

5. Pay it forward.
As Filipinos, we have a bigger responsibility of giving back to our country and stop waiting for real change to happen. Sponsor a kid to school, give up your splurge for a day and donate the money instead, or even hold the door for another person. It feels good to do good—and you don’t need a guy telling you that because you, all by yourself, already knows it.

So, on holiday reunions, don’t worry too much when your relatives ask for a love life update. Resist the urge to break apart two couples who are HHWW-ing in the malls with a very tita “ExcuseMeee!!”. Remember, Eros is not the only kind of love.

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Stef writes digital content for a living and listens to other people's stories to live. She likes matcha, puns, and long walks. Say hello at