Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
Some people move on from a breakup fast and easy. Others take weeks, months, sometimes even years to get over the person that they were with. However long it may have been for you, here are some certain signs that you are finally truly over him and have moved on.

1 . You don’t feel awkward when you run into him in public.
Remember when you used to go out of your way to avoid running into him in public? Now, the idea of doing that just seems silly. If you unintentionally run into him somewhere, it’s not awkward anymore. You might smile and wave as you pass each other, or you might just ignore each other. But either way, it’s not awkward and you no longer feel a twinge of sadness as he passes by.

2. His birthday comes and goes and you don’t even think about him.
When someone is important to us, we make an effort to remember their birthday. It’s a special day to celebrate them and we dedicate that date to doing so. Now, you just realized that your ex’s birthday came and went two weeks ago, and you didn’t even think about him. The date no longer has significance for you, just as he no longer does.

3. You can watch a romance movie without crying.
Post-breakup, watching a romance movie is a great way to send yourself into a spiral of depression as you reflect upon what you once had and what could have been. Now, you can enjoy watching a mushy romantic movie without thinking about your ex and getting sad or emotional about it.

4. When you realize that you still have a photo of him on your phone, you delete it without even flinching.
You were going through the photo gallery on your phone when you stumbled upon a photo of your ex. Instead of getting emotional about it, you just delete it without even hesitating. He was a part of your life once, but he’s not anymore and you’re okay with that.

5. When you hear he’s dating someone new, you’re happy for him (or at least indifferent).
You found out yesterday from a mutual friend that your ex is seeing someone else now. The thought would have made you sad once, hurt that he could have moved on already, but you realized when you heard that you’ve already moved on yourself and aren’t bothered by the news at all. You might even be happy that he’s found happiness with someone else.

6. You’ve stopped checking his social media pages.
After the breakup, you probably found yourself checking out his social media pages a lot. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you had them all open in your browser and were hitting refresh at least a couple of times a day just to see what he’s been up to and obsess over the idea that his obscure tweets might have some hidden meaning directed at you. Now, you realize that you haven’t checked his Facebook profile in weeks.

7. You no longer reread old text messages that he sent you.
Nostalgia can hit even the strongest of us as you long for the past when the two of you were happy together. Reading and rereading his old text messages used to be a bedtime ritual for you; you couldn’t fall asleep until you read three weeks worth of goodnight texts from before the breakup. Now, you’ve deleted all his old texts and truly moved on.

8. You’ve stopped making an effort to look like you’re loving life–because you actually are.
There comes a point after a breakup where you are still hurting about it, but don’t want your ex to know. So, you become active on social media, posting hot selfies of yourself, photos of you having a blast with your friends, anything to make it look like you’re happy. You don’t do that anymore, because now you really are happy and no longer feel like you have anything to prove to him.

9. You can listen to “your song” without wanting to cry.
Every couple had that certain song that made you think of each other. After the breakup, every time it came up on the radio, you had to shut it off because it was too painful to listen to it. Now, when it comes on, it no longer evokes an emotional response out of you and you can just enjoy it as the innocent song that it was long before it was “your song.”

10. When a guy asks if you’re single, you respond with a resounding “Yes!” (and not “Yes, but I just got out of a long relationship”).
When you first started meeting guys again after the breakup, it was a little bit uncomfortable. When a cute guy asked if you were single, you responded a bit hesitantly, because even though you were officially broken up with your ex, it still felt almost disloyal to answer the question with a yes. Now, you are proud to announce your availability and have no qualms about flirting back with a new guy.

Congratulations, you can officially say that you’ve moved on. Your ex is now just a part of your past, and you’re okay with that. You realize that there were lots of reasons that it wasn’t meant to be, and it was meant to end. You have completely let go and can embrace the idea of building a new future without him.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &