Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
Moving on after the end of a relationship is never easy, and sometimes we try to make ourselves believe that we’ve moved on when we really haven’t yet.

Here are some signs that you haven’t moved on as well as you think that you have and that you’re actually still in love with your ex:

1. You only remember the good from the relationship.
When you look back on the relationship, it all seems like a bit of a blur. You can’t remember any bad parts, things about your ex that made you unhappy, or reasons why you were unhappy. All you can remember are the good moments, the times he made you laugh and the times he made you feel special. The truth is, though, that no matter how perfect your relationship may have been, there will always be bad moments. No relationship is perfect, so if you can’t remember that, it’s a sign you still got really strong feelings for your ex boyfriend.

2. He’s still the person you want to share news with, good or bad.
When something happens to us, whether it’s good or bad, the natural instinct is that we want to share it with the people or person who matters most to us. So, if when you get a great job offer or you’re bummed about your job, if your ex is the first person that you want to talk to about it, it’s a clear sign that he’s still a lot more important to you than he should be.

3. You’re constantly looking at his social media pages.
Whether it’s to check your ex’s current relationship status, or just to feel like you are still a part of his life, if you’re constantly checking his Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds, you’re probably still in love with him. You tell yourself it’s not stalking, you just want to see what he’s up to. Well, start reminding yourself that the two of you broke up and it shouldn’t matter to you what he’s up to these days or if he’s dating someone new. It’s time to log off and log out of his life.

4. You compare every guy you meet to him.
You’ve been going out on dates and meeting other guys, that must mean that you’ve moved on, right? Not if you’re still comparing every man that you go out with to your ex boyfriend. You admit that your relationship with your ex wasn’t perfect, but you still compare every guy you meet to your ex, and most of the time, they don’t measure up. They’re not as tall as he was, they aren’t as funny as he was, they aren’t as sweet as he was. The truth is, you just aren’t as in love with them as you clearly still are with your ex.

5. You’re still holding on to mementos from the relationship.
I’m not talking about the expensive watch he gave you on your birthday, or things you actually use like that shirt or the coffeemaker he bought you. It doesn’t make sense to throw something away that has value. I’m talking about the mementos that are essentially worthless; the movie ticket stub from your first date, the dried flowers that he got you for your high school dance, things like these. If you’re still holding on to these, then you’re still holding on to the hope that you two will get back together someday because you’re still in love with him.

If these signs all hit a little bit too close to home with you, it’s time to face the facts: You’re still in love with your ex. Now, what are you going to do about it? Remember that the breakup happened for a reason, and that when exes get back together, it usually just results in double the heartbreak. It’s time to commit yourself to moving on and letting go of the love you still have for him.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &