Bea is a single mother addicted to life hacks, books,…
We learn from our mistakes, even if that means choosing the wrong lovers over and over again. Nonetheless, each broken heart is still a lesson learned. Personal experiences aside, even our favorite authors cough up familiar scenarios in their encompassing novels. Here’s a peek at a few regrets that we women are sure to easily relate with (#hugot).
5. The Womanizer
Tomas from The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Author: Milan Kundera

He clearly distinguishes love and sex as separate entities to the dismay of his loyal wife. Justifying womanizing as a quest for knowledge, this intellectual is meant to be lonely all his life. Girls, intellectuals are great fun, but there is irrationality in the abuse of logic over matters of the heart. Just like Tomas’ wife, you’ll need to detach from his brand of rationalizing and follow your own instincts. Besides, you never know: he might realize that life is an empty vessel without you.
4. The Obsessor
Florentino Ariza from Love In A Time of Cholera
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

He waits outside her window and sends her love letters. His feverish love for Fermina Daza consumes him all his life and he waits decades to finally get a shot to be with her despite his insane addiction to sex. Women, dating a guy who’s obsessed with you does have its dangers. You’re the whole world to him, and as wonderful as that may sound narcissistically, his obsession for you could be the downfall of either one of you. Besides, wouldn’t you prefer a guy who can stand on his own two feet?
3. Mr. Hung-Up
Toru Watanabe from Norwegian Wood
Author: Haruki Murakami

Falling in love with a suicidal girl did take its toll on poor Toru. Despite any claims of normalcy, all the events that revolve around his growth are far from ordinary. He becomes torn between the woman he loved and the woman who he could possibly be with in the future. Why date a guy who’s still hung up on his ex or with any another woman, for that matter? You’re already sick of comparing yourself to women on EDSA billboards; you don’t need to compete with the “idea” of his dream girl. If that’s not you, then there’s no reason to force the issue.
2. The Narcissist
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray
Author: Oscar Wilde

Narcissism paired with hedonism is a dangerous combination. Dorian’s all-encompassing self-interests deteriorate his already weak moral code. As he delves deeper and deeper into his pleasure-seeking, he chooses his youth and beauty over his values, which eventually leads to his downfall. Love is a two-way street: give and take. Date a guy who’s more in love with himself than he loves his mom, or you even, and get ready for instant heartbreak. Who wants to be fighting over who used up all of the concealer, anyhow?
1. The Man On A Mission
Robert Jordan from For Whom The Bell Tolls
Author: Ernest Hemingway

Leaving his stable job to fight in the ranks of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, Robert Jordan finds love in the vulnerable Maria. From a state of cold thought, Robert shows signs of sensual transformation through his experience with Maria. Whether it’s a no-frills plan for financial success or fighting for the Revolution, that guy, although sexy with his unbridled passion, may not translate that same passion to you. Unless the both of you are going in the same direction or fighting for the same cause, you can expect a lot of disappointment and loss. And leaving you for a shot at success or to fight in the mountains may be an actual equivalent to a breakup.
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Bea is a single mother addicted to life hacks, books, food and the ocean. Bent on creating a better world for her daughter, she's using writing as a medium to get to where she needs to be, one chapter at a time.
booom..masakit sa lalake yan chong.