Audacious,vivacious and loquacious, Carol Premacio's greatest loves are, and always…
It’s true that there are many fish in the sea, but of them all, is there one particular fish you’d like to catch? If there’s a guy you’re crushing on, you probably know the agony of wondering if he likes you back. After all, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself over a guy who is just not that into you. But you don’t want to miss the opportunity to encourage him to ask you out if there’s a chance he feels the same way, right? And picking petals off flowers and chanting “he likes me, he likes me not” just won’t cut it. So we’ve listed six signs that may clue you into whether he’s into you or not:
1. He’s extra nice to you.

Be extra careful when it comes to this though. The guy might just be naturally friendly. Give it time and observe how he is with other girls. If you really want to know, ask a mutual girl friend how he acts around her. Chances are, you’ll get a better idea of what he’s really like around girls. If the results of your research show a difference between his behavior around other girls and his behavior around you, then you have a lead!
2. He watches you.

And we don’t mean this in a creepy, stalkerish way. If you catch him looking at you pretty often and there’s nothing funny on your face, well then that’s kinda obvious. Chances are, he’s observing you from afar. How is he supposed to come up with a plan to approach you if he doesn’t do a bit of investigating on his own, right? If he’s braver than most and strikes up a conversation with you, a telltale sign he likes you is when he faces (as in faces) you during conversation. He looks into your eyes and is obviously eager to hear what you have to say.
3. He finds excuses to touch you.

It could be a sign he’s into you if he finds excuses to make physical contact with you! Maybe it’s through flirty games or a light brush on the arm, maybe he wants to hug things out at every opportunity. The point is, he gets to touch you in a very subtle way. Well it may not be as subtle as he wants it to be if you’ve noticed he’s a bit on the touchy-feely side, but you get the point. This shows that there is something that may be more than friendship between you, as far as he’s concerned. Of course, make sure that this trait of his is exclusive to you and not because he’s generally a touchy-feely person with everyone he’s friends with.
[crp]4. He really makes it a point to talk with you often.

So you’ve noticed how he’s extra nice to you, how he focuses on you when you talk, and the caring way he touches you. Now he’s gone the extra mile by regularly communicating with you, whether it’s via a phone call, messages, or even video chat and real-life face-to-face time! You must be squishing your pillow by now thinking of how lucky a girl you are. It’s like you’re in high school again with the way he asks you what’s up or what you’re doing. With the boom in social networking, communication between the two of you will be as easy as 1, 2, 3!
5. He makes time to be with you.

He’s probably a busy guy, so take it the right way if he clears time on his schedule to be with you. And that can mean anything from asking you on a friendly date to making sure you get invited to the same parties and dinners with friends. After all, he probably has other people he could hang out with. But if you notice that you’re increasingly becoming his companion of choice, it’s probably reason to rejoice! Plus, the time you spend together will help you get to know each other better.
6. He introduces you to his friends.

You can be 99.98 percent sure he likes you if he introduces you to his barkada. This just comes to show that he’s letting you into his life by introducing you to the other people who are important to him. He’s proud to have found a person like you, and he’s not afraid to let his social circle know that you are someone he wants in his life. He’s willing to hear their comments, may they be good or bad. But whatever those may be, this is a strong indicator that he likes you and wants to be with you.
Are any or even all of these surefire signs a guy is into you? Of course not. All we can say is that one should be observant and reasonable when dealing with this situation. And when in doubt, it’s always better to be honest about your feelings, even if you risk rejection in doing so. After all, it might pay off, and even if it doesn’t, it will still help you move on from this phase in your life with fewer regrets and what ifs.
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Audacious,vivacious and loquacious, Carol Premacio's greatest loves are, and always will be, fashion and writing. She enjoys writing and reading books,fashion magazines and lifestyle magazines. One of her aspirations in life aside from working in the fashion and publishing industries is to travel and be able to see the world in all its beauty.