She's a web content writer, a playwright, and the author…

Let’s get this out of the way: I’m no love guru.
I write fiction as an attempt to understand things in this universe that I can’t fully fathom — like why we have to experience heartbreaks in this lifetime.
In line with the love month coming up, let me share with you a theory (perhaps, a writing prompt) about these seven people you’d have romantic relationships within a lifetime. These seven people would love (and probably hurt) you in an impactful way and help shape you to be the person you are today.
No matter how many partners you had, you can only classify them in these seven categories. Otherwise, you may need to ask yourself whether they’re that type who just passed through.
1. The Purest Love
You probably met this person at a playground or in grade school. The kind of love you shared was honest and pure. No standards, no judgments. No reservations, no inhibitions. This person taught you that love, after all, shouldn’t be as complicated as grownups describe it to be.
2. The Best Friend You Love But Can Never Have
While you may think of Bujoy (Jolina Magdangal) in that classic falling-in-love-with-your-best-friend-confession scene in “Labs Kita Okey Ka Lang,” the person I’m describing is closer to Carson (Maja Salvador), the lead character in “I’m Drunk, I Love You.” She loves Dio (Paulo Avelino) more than a friend but unlike Bujoy, her confession story doesn’t end with a happy ending — but that’s OK.
Your unrequited love taught you that not all things would go your way. And no matter how painful it is, a one-sided love could still result in other unexpectedly great things; you might not know it yet.
3. The One That Got Away
You could meet this person in a grocery store, a parking lot, a party, or via Tinder. You had that so-called instant connection. So you exchanged numbers, went out for a few dates, but suddenly, you couldn’t get a hold of them. They didn’t ghost you; they just needed to go away for a reason, which, unfortunately, you’d never know. Years after meeting them, you’d still remember this person as you realized you won’t ever experience that inimitable connection you had with them.
4. The One Who Gave the Best Sex You Ever Had
This person might not be the best relationship you had, but they helped you learn how to feel confident in your own skin. They also showed you how to let your guard down and completely trust another person — things you could bring into your next serious relationship or future married life.
5. The One Who Hurt You the Most
Sure, this person caused you a great deal of pain, but you should still be thankful to them. That heartbreak probably made you wiser and stronger. To borrow a quote from Haruki Murakami, “When you come out of a storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.”
6. The One Who Saved You
This person might not love you the way you want, but they pulled you out of a dark place. They showed you what it’s like to live happily again. Even if your relationship with them might not last, you’d never forget that they were once your rock.
7. The One
With this person, everything clicks. Sure, there are ups and downs because nothing’s perfect anyway. But being with them always feels right — it’s like, finally, you’re home.
You could take my theory with a grain of salt. But one thing’s for sure, falling in love and getting hurt are part of the human experience; you just have to make sure each relationship is meaningful.
How many of these people you’ve already met? Share your stories in the comment section.
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She's a web content writer, a playwright, and the author of the children's novel, Detective Boys of Masangkay: Ang Mangkukulam.