Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
Making a new year’s resolution is a timeless tradition, and it’s definitely not a bad idea to come up with some. Instead of focusing only on selfish things though, like “make more money” or “move into a bigger house,” try to include some that will benefit other people as well, especially your partner.
There are plenty of things that you can do to become a better partner this 2016 and to strengthen your relationship throughout the year. Here are a few things you can do to become a better partner, and if you put in the effort, it will surely pay off in your relationship.

1. Listen to him more.
The usual relationship stereotypes have the woman as a “talk-0-holic” while it’s supposed to be the man’s job to just shut up and listen. However, guys need to talk to, so make sure to spend time letting him share his feelings, whether it’s just him telling you about his day at work or something more meaningful. Becoming a better listener isn’t just literal, though; it also means learning to interpret the things that your man says. This 2016, become a better partner by making an effort to not just hear the words that your guy says, but also to understand what he means.

2. Look for new experiences to share with him.
A great way to bring yourself closer to your guy is to share new experiences with him. It’s sure to build a deeper relationship. Make an effort this new year to try new things with your partner, whether it’s going to new cities, eating at new restaurants, or trying out new hobbies. You’ll learn a lot about each other and it will help you to become a better partner to him.

3. Stop watching TV while you eat.
We’re all guilty of spending a little too much time watching television, and it’s a common habit to do so while eating. If it’s something you and your partner always do while eating together, it’s time to make a change this year. Choose at least one day a week where you don’t watch TV while eating, and instead just sit and enjoy your meal with each others’ conversation. It may surprise you how much closer you and your guy will get with just one night a week of talking during your meal instead of mindlessly staring at the television screen.

4. Don’t let your boyfriend be your only relationship.
While everyone understandably wants to have a close bond with their partner, it’s not healthy for them to be the only bond in your life. You can actually become a better partner by taking time to spend with your other friends, and family as well, instead of expecting your guy to be there at your side at every moment. If you’re worried that you might be getting too clingy, make sure to spend time developing your friendships and relationships with other people and give your guy a bit of space.

5. Help him to be a better man.
You no doubt want your man to accomplish everything he’s every dreamed of, so give him the support that he needs to get there. Be there to build him up and encourage him to take risks when they are warranted, but also be there to give him a bit of grounding when you’re afraid he’s taking on more than he can handle. Be his rock and motivation, and take time to give him the help needed to reach his own goals this year. You can’t ask for a better partner than that.

The start of this new year is the best time to look for ways to improve yourself and your relationship. By employing the tips suggested here to become a better partner, you and your guy are sure to have a great, up-building year, and will be able to approach the next one with a much stronger relationship.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &