Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
A long distance-relationship (or LDR for short) can be hard to manage during any part of the year, but it can become especially difficult when the holiday season arrives. Suddenly, everyone is super busy and involved with everything that the holidays entail, from Christmas shopping to spending time with your family, and it’s too easy to just set your relationship on the back burner for a little while.

It’s important not to neglect your LDR though, no matter how chaotic the holiday season can get. Don’t forget about your special someone, wherever in the world he may be. Here are some tips for managing your long distance relationship during the holiday season, no matter what the season throws at you.

1. Use the holiday time off to see each other.
The best thing about the holiday season is that everyone gets time off! If you are still in college, you likely get at least a couple of weeks off; if you’re in the workforce, maybe just a couple of days, but everyone will get time off. Use this time wisely, and if you are able to, arrange to visit your sweetheart, or have him visit you! The holidays are about spending time with the people you love, so don’t forget about your long distance partner. It’s also a great time to introduce him to your family–if he hasn’t met them yet. Your family members will probably be around than usual for the holidays, so it’s perfect for introducing him to your cousins, grandparents, and other relativess that he hasn’t met yet.

2. Arrange a Skype date night.
If an in-person visit isn’t practically do to money or time constraints, you still need to find time for your guy. Make sure to arrange a Skype date night during the holidays, and don’t let anything that comes up take priority over it. If you’re spending Christmas Eve with your family, then perhaps you can arrange to dedicate Christmas morning to your man. You could enjoy your morning coffee together while showing each other the presents you got, or watch a holiday-themed movie together with Skype running in the background. He’s your loved one too, so make sure he knows it by prioritizing time with him during the holiday season.

3. Send gifts through the mail.
A plane ticket to visit your long distance love may be a bit expensive and impractical for this holiday season, but you can show your love in other ways. Try putting together a care package for your guy–just make sure to send it good and early so that it will arrive in time for Christmas! You don’t have to spend a lot to make him feel special, you can even try making gifts yourself! Buy a Christmas tree shaped cookie cutter and bake him some cookies, or put together your own Christmas ornament for him to hang on his tree. Be sure to include a handwritten note or card as well; he sees enough of your typed messages on Skype. Make sure he’s thinking of you during the holiday season, and that he knows you’re thinking about him as well.

4. Share your local holiday traditions with each other.
One of the best parts of being in an LDR is being able to experience and learn about another culture. Share your culture with your man, and ask him to do the same. Learn what traditions his hometown or country has that are different from yours, you may be surprised! Show that you’re genuinely interested in your guy and learning all about where he’s from, as well as giving him a taste of your own background. It’s a great way to learn about each other and good knowledge to tuck away for when you spend holidays together in person in the future.

5. Spend time with your LDR guy’s family too.
Family is important to all of us, especially during the holiday season. So, don’t forget that your man has family too, and make sure to include them in your holiday season. If they are in your hometown even though your guy isn’t, make sure to visit them for a bit. If they aren’t, you can call them on Skype too to wish them happy holidays. It reassures them of how much you care about their son, and makes them feel as though you’re a part of the family already. As a bonus, try to ask your guy’s family about their Christmas traditions. It’ll help you plan a great surprise for your man the next time he spends the holidays with you when you pull out a surprise that reminds him of home. Try getting a couple of his mother’s holiday recipes too, he’ll surely be happy!

As much as we want to spend time with all of our loved ones during the holiday season, it’s just not always practical. You may have to make a bit more effort than usual to include your LDR boyfriend and his family in your life during the busy holiday season, but it will be so worth it in the end and you’ll come out of it feeling that much closer with your guy.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &