Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
Marriage is a pretty big milestone for any person who decides it is right for them. Marriage is a big commitment, and making such a life-changing commitment often changes the person who does it, in ways both small and large. Until you’re married, there’s no way of predicting what parts of you it will change; everyone is different and every married couple is different, so everyone takes to it differently. The only thing that is certain is that it will change you–hopefully only for the good.
My one-year anniversary to my husband is coming up in just a few short months, and as it approaches, it has me thinking about the ways that I’ve changed in just this last here. Here are some observations I’ve made about myself and how marriage has changed me for the better.

1. I’m more open to experimenting and trying new things.
One of the primary ways I measure this is by what I cook in the kitchen. I’m more or less a stay-at-home wife, and I take pride in cooking good meals and making sure my husband has tasty food to take to work. Since being married, my recipe repertoire has greatly expanded. Now, I have to consider the tastes of both myself and my husband when deciding what to cook, and this has led to lots of experimentation and finding tons of new recipes that we both can enjoy. I’ve even learned to like things that I used to hate eating, like tomatoes. Before marriage, I’d never bought a tomato in my life. Now, I love adding them to everything and consider tomatoes a staple in the kitchen. Being married has forced me to expand my tastes, and I love the new-found variety in my life because of it!

2. I’ve matured and earn more respect because of it.
The decision to get married requires a large degree of maturity. It’s a life-long promise and commitment to one man, and making that promise requires that you truly know yourself. While I know that I will continue to change and grow throughout my whole life, I knew that I wanted my husband at my side, helping me become who I’m meant to be. When it comes to our friends and coworkers, I’m often one of the younger people in our group. Now that I’m married, though, I feel as though I’m awarded with more respect and taken more seriously because I’ve taken such a serious step in my own life.
3. I’m content with being domestic.
Now, I’m not going to pretend I actually enjoy washing the dishes or folding laundry (although I have always loved cooking and baking!), but I’m content with doing these things because of what it allows me in turn. I do bring some income into our household, but I’ve chosen to do work that allows me to stay at home and care for my husband, our two dogs, two cats, and three pet rats. Sure, we don’t have kids yet, but looking after my husband and all my fur babies keep me pretty busy. It’s not the life for everyone–I have nothing but respect for women who choose to pursue lofty careers–but since being married, it’s the life for me. I enjoy being able to work at my own pace, and knowing that my husband gets to come home to good food and a clean house is all the reward I need.

4. I’m secure in who I am.
Growing up, everyone has their own unique struggles. I had a very trying childhood myself, and I grew into a very insecure teenager with no self-confidence whatsoever. Meeting the man I’m now married to, and marriage itself, has changed me a lot in this way. I found a man who loves and appreciates me for everything that I am, and nothing more. He’s made me confident in my own skin and a lot more self-assured. He knows all of my imperfections and still accepts every part of me, and this has made me more confident to explore my own desires and dreams and take pride in who I am.

5. I’ve mastered the art of compromising.
If I had to choose one thing that all marriages require to make them work, it would be compromise. When you get married, you’re signing a contract, and it means more than just living with someone for the rest of your life. Marriage means having to give up some things you love and do some things that you hate. It’s a two way road, and after being married for nearly a year, trust me, I’ve gotten pretty good at it! It’s in the small things, like where we’re going to eat dinner tonight, but compromise is especially important when making large decisions, like when we started purchasing a home. You are making a promise to consider your husband’s feelings and thoughts on everything, giving them as much importance as your own.

Marriage has helped me to grow into a more mature person, and someone that I am proud to be. My husband and I have helped each other to become who we now are, and we know that we’ll continue to grow together, and I look forward to that! Marriage has helped me become the best version of myself, and I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &