Charlene works for a popular greeting card company, hoping that…
It’s a new year and hopefully you’ve made the decision to strive toward a better you! Making resolutions is a fun activity, allowing you to take stock of the year that was and identify the things you need to improve or start when the new year comes in. While most resolutions tend to be about you, there are always areas for improvement between you and your significant other! Couple resolutions are always a good idea, given the significance of the season, so here are a few resolutions that you could make with your main squeeze for a (hopefully) better new year.
1. Compliment each other more.

There are times when you will fight—that’s unavoidable. While disagreements may be a natural part of being a couple and occur even years into a relationship, all too often, it seems that the bulk of compliments are given in the early stages of a relationship. The act of complimenting each other takes a big dip past the honeymoon stage, so make the effort to keep it going until it becomes a habit of kindness and love.
2. Spend less time on your mobile devices when you’re together.

We live in a digital age, sure, but you really don’t have to take a picture of every new thing you eat, right? We love to share things with our friends, and social media is making this easier than before, but this could come at the cost of quality face time with your significant other. No need to implement a punishment for this one, just put the phones away and enjoy your dinner together! Get into the habit of talking to each other, and you’ll find that your conversations and your relationship will deepen at the same time.
3. Try out new things together.

A new hobby, game, or sport is always better to try out when you already have a buddy, and what better buddy than the person you’re currently with. New couples may find this to be a great bonding experience, while seasoned lovebirds may take this opportunity to add new spice to their love life.
4. Be more open and communicative.

Contrary to what you may think or practice, getting mad and arguing is not the most effective form of communication for couples. If there’s something bothering you, let your partner know about it calmly. Discuss issues before they get out of hand and before resentments can build. Even if an argument does ensue, the important thing is you let the other party know what the problem is and what the both of you can do to address the issue.
5. Find new couple friends.

It’s easy to talk about couple matters with other women who are in relationships, but we, as a culture, rarely find ourselves actively engaging in activities with other couples. Make friends with your neighbors, colleagues, or yoga classmates and their significant others. Having another couple with which you can discuss different aspects of your relationship can give you a new perspective, not to mention let you call more people together for board game night!
6. Travel more.

Shows like The Amazing Race are popular for a reason: they show many aspects of human nature, especially those involving couples. Travel is not only an enjoyable activity, but it helps you understand each other better. When you’re out of your comfort zone and right in the middle of an adventure, you’ll discover new things about the other person you actually admire or totally hate—something that can hopefully be talked about, of course!
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Charlene works for a popular greeting card company, hoping that what she writes makes some big, burly man somewhere cry. She's into MMA, and when she's not watching armbars on YouTube, she also writes for a tech blog or naps with her cat.