Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines…
When you’re traveling with your significant other, whether it’s the husband you already live with or your first trip alone with your boyfriend, it truly connects you and your partner in a unique way. Traveling together provides many opportunities for you two to get to know each other on a level that you might not otherwise. My husband and I have done quite a bit of traveling together, and we can honestly say that with every trip, our relationship and our love for each other deepens. Here’s some of the ways that travel has deepened our relationship, and can deepen yours as well!

1. It lets you get to know each other better.
When you travel with your significant other, you’re going to be alone with them 24 hours a day. When spending that much time one-on-one with another person, you’re definitely going to get to learn new things about each other! It could be their bathroom and eating habits or how well they handle not having internet for a few days, but I guarantee that you’ll learn new things about your partner when you travel with him.

2. You learn to compromise.
Traveling together is both a great and fun way to test how well you guys can compromise with each other’s interests and needs. There’s always going to be some conflicts of interest—deciding where to eat, or perhaps you want to spend a lazy afternoon at the beach but he wants to go to a museum—and you’re going to have to learn how find ways to make you both happy.

3. You’ll learn each other’s spending patterns.
Financial decisions often cause problems for couples. And traveling will pretty much always require spending money. So traveling together will give you new insights into each other’s spending habits, including what each of you consider necessities and how much you’re willing to spend on nonessentials. By observing your partner’s spending patterns while traveling, you’ll learn how he views money.

4. You’ll discover what your man is like outside of his natural environment.
Most people have different behavior when on vacation than they do at home, so traveling with your partner can be very revealing. How does he act when he’s not around his friends and family, or in the comfort of his own home? Is he more relaxed or stressed out when away from home? Does he treat you differently? These are all interesting things to observe about your partner while traveling together.

5. You’ll test how long you can stand being around each other.
When you’re traveling with your boyfriend or husband, you’re going to be in very close quarters for a long period of time. This will really test your relationship and help you guys learn to adapt to each other’s presence. Even if you already live together, you’re likely not around each other 24/7 like you will be when traveling, and you might have to learn to be even more flexible with each other.

6. You’ll share worries with each other.
No matter how hard you plan, something almost always goes wrong on long trips. So you’re going to learn how to share your worries with your partner and how to solve problems together. For example, if you get lost or somebody leaves their bag at a restaurant, you’re going to have to share your problems and work together to come up with viable solutions.

7. You’ll create lasting memories.
The best way that traveling with your love will deepen your relationship is by creating lasting memories that are only shared between the two of you. Snorkling while holding hands, seeing wild monkeys in the woods, putting up a tent together—traveling guarantees unique, shared experiences every time and you’ll create memories that you’ll treasure for a lifetime and be reliving together until you’re old and grey.

So, what are you waiting for? Take some time off from work, buy a ticket for somewhere neither of you have been before, and spend a few days with your sweetheart getting to know each other better and creating some amazing, unforgettable experiences together!
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Abby is from the USA and moved to the Philippines to be with her husband, David Christopher Hizon, who also happens to be her photographer for most of her writing endeavors. A gamer, a bookworm, an animal lover and a self-proclaimed foodie, she is passionate about everything that she does and hopes that will come across in her writing. Follow her at &