We’ve all gone through the misery of moving on. His scent, his touch, and the way he speaks keep on coming back that you just want to cry yourself to sleep every single night. Forgetting about an ex-boyfriend is tough, especially when you can’t help but remember all the good memories you’ve shared.
But, this should not be the case. You can be the strong woman you really are by getting over your ex with peace, and by treating the breakup as an advantage to learn and grow.
Dry those tears and get up on your feet. Here are six ways to get over your ex secretly and successfully.

End All Contact
The first way to secretly get over your ex is by ending all means of contact. Even if the both of you broke up gracefully, you will never be able to get over him by knowing that you can still reach him whenever you want. Erase his number on your phone and unfollow (or block, if he was a pain in the ass) him on Facebook and all other social media accounts. It’s tough, but it’s something you have to do.

Don’t Tell Everyone You’re Hurting
Sometimes, women just can’t keep their emotions to themselves. Ladies love chatter, and we can’t help but do this after a break-up. It’s time to change this by being the strong, independent woman you really are. Get over your break-up by keeping calm and quiet about the situation. Your BFFs don’t need to know everything about the split. Keep it mature, and reassure them that you’re okay on your own.

Stay Away from His Friends
After a break-up, try to stay away from his friends. This can be difficult, especially if you share a lot of common friends, but hanging out with the people you share a connection with your ex will only remind you of the good times you’ve had. But, don’t stay away by cutting all contact. Remember that you can still keep it casual and cool when you’ve completely moved on.

Find a Hobby
Take advantage of your secret mourning by being busy and trying a new hobby. Start by thinking about your interests or the things you like doing before you dated your ex-boyfriend. For example, if you like music, trying out an instrument like the guitar or bass is a good idea. Or if you’re into craft before, rekindle your interest by trying out unique DIY activities.

Sweat it Out
Clear your head with a physical activity that will make you sweat extremely. Exercising is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and emotional tension. Get over your ex by sticking to a workout routine like running or boxing. By doing this, you’ll be able to forget your heartaches and achieve the smokin’ hot bod you’ve always desired.

Stay Single for a While
Most people will tell you to go out and flirt with boys you haven’t met before. This is helpful only when you’ve truly healed yourself. Before you go chasing men, concentrate on your strengths and weaknesses as a partner first. The rebound relationship is rarely successful, and bouncing your feelings to another person will not help you forget about your past. Enter into your next relationship only when hope and optimism returns. By doing this, you can give your next boyfriend a good shot at being “the one”.