Okay, first off, bravo. You deserve to be happy.
This is me trying to be mature, at least, at first. After all, you were the guy who had feelings for me.
Had. The past is such a sad thing, isn’t it? You used to have something for me, and now it’s gone. You used to hold a candle for me, and now, the flame has died.
You’ve gotten over me, and I didn’t know that it would hurt.

You were the guy who would always look at me while I was walking through the hall, and I would always pretend I didn’t know even if I can see you from the corner of my eye.
You were the guy who always had time for me. You always stopped whatever you did just to talk to me. You always kept me company, and you knew just the thing that would make me smile, even if I was having a gloriously crappy day. You always had a ready response for me, even if it was already two in the morning, and I just needed to chat with someone.
I tremendously enjoyed your company. I love talking to you. We had the same interests. We made great friends.
You used to like and comment on my social media accounts with a burning passion, but now it’s gone. My Facebook feed is incomplete without you. Now, I know you’re no longer invested in my life as you were before.
You used to see me every day. I knew my eyes lit up the same way yours did whenever you dropped by. I pretended not to notice the “accidental” brushes we used to have, where we nearly held hands at times. I have to admit, they gave me butterflies in my stomach.
You used to tell me I’m beautiful, and I would always blush.
You used to love me from a distance. It was quiet and young and sweet and thoughtful, and I pretended it did not exist.
You used to to go to great lengths to make you smile. Now, you act as if I’m no longer part of your life.
Now, you’ve found someone who would go to great lengths to make you smile, who would always make time for you, who would give you butterflies in your stomach. She’d give you all the love you deserve-the love that I couldn’t give to you because I was too busy dillydallying with my feelings.
I guess I was so used that you were part of my life, playing that stable little role of yours, that I never expected that you would be gone. I was so used to you just being there for me. Now, you have someone else.
I found out, too little too late, that now, it is my turn to get over you.
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Iris is still trying to get over from what could be the worst heartbreak she has experienced in years. Writing about it is helping her deal with it, little by little. She wants to see the world and to immerse herself in many different cultures and stories. She loves comic books, sci-fi novels, and other nerderies.
Do you want your ex back be inspired to find love by faith. just pray about it girl and let The Lord show you the way.