Dyan is a 25-year-old writer with a sense of humor…

There you sit, sipping a glass (or five) of mojito, when you’re suddenly hit with a seemingly brilliant idea: call your ex, text your boss, or post a badly misspelt status update on Facebook.
The next day, you look at your phone in horror, seeing all the people you drunk-texted or called. It’s worse than waking up with a hangover.
Look, we’ve all done it. But fear not, because there are apps for that. Go over this list, and you’ll never send a “Mahal mo pa ba ako?” text to your ex ever again:
Drunk Mode

When things get sloppy, this app is here to save you from yourself. Drunk Mode is an app that prevents you from sending messages or calling specific people on your contact list for up to 12 hours. It has four features:
- Fund My Drunk. It helps your friends find you in case you wander off.
- Find A Ride. This feature connects you to nearby Uber cars.
- Stop Drunk Dialing. It hides pre-selected contacts to prevent drunken texts.
- Breadcrumbs. Tracks your movements so that you can retrace your steps the next day.
Remember those times when Alan, Doug, Phil, and Stu of The Hangover blacked out and forgot what they did the night before? None of that could have happened if they had this app.
Drunk Locker

If you’re more concerned about ranting and raving on social media than texting or calling when you’re drunk, Drunk Locker is for you. It blocks Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and pretty much any other social media app on your phone for the duration of the night. And that’s good, since no one wants to see your 3 am blurry selfie anyway.
You can even block certain shopping apps to avoid mindless, drunken spending.
Drunk Lock

The similarly named Drunk Lock blocks you from using social media apps while drunk, too. All you have to do is to click on the beer glass to activate the app.
When you turn on the app, you’ll be asked to answer a series of math problems before your message can go through. Answer wrong, and you’ll get an “I’m drunk,” response, with a quote like, “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.” – Bob Marley.
You can customize the difficulty of the math problems to easy, medium, or hard in case you’re good at math even when you’re drunk.

So, girls, do yourselves a favor and download at least one of these before you end up texting your ex at 3 in the morning. Don’t. Don’t do that to yourself.
Any other anti-drunken texting apps you use? Share them in the comments section below.
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Dyan is a 25-year-old writer with a sense of humor of a prepubescent male. On weekends, she hibernates.