Three Things: Literature, nature and everything in between.

The new year is a good time to make up for lost time and expand our horizons beyond our 9 to 5 jobs and steady home life. If you haven’t had the chance to write your New Year’s Resolution yet, here are new hobbies you can try to spice up your next 365 days on this planet.
For Those Too Lazy to Read
Take an Online Course

Today, you don’t have to rummage through the library to dive deep into a subject you’re passionate about. Today’s younger generations are known for being hyper-connected. And what better way to make use of all those mobile devices and unlimited Internet than to take a course online.
Websites and cover a wide range of free courses offered by top universities and institutions.
Catch Up on Last Year’s Top Podcasts

Do you get stuck in long queues and boring rides on a daily basis? Break the tedium all while immersing in the digital soundscape and auditory learning by listening to podcasts. If you’re new to this craze, check out this roundup of the 50 Best Podcasts of 2017 published by The Atlantic.
Bring Out Your Inner Artist
Take Your Writing to the Next Level

The country has a thriving literary community made up of passionate writers who happen to love sharing tips and ideas with an eager audience. Why not join a creative writing workshop and learn to express yourself better through words? The Ayala Museum hosts classes on a regular basis. Visit its website at and watch out for updates on this year’s roster.
Try Your Hands at Spoken Word Poetry
The spoken word scene is thriving in the country, thanks to a handful of institutions like the now closed but forever in our hearts Sev’s Cafe, Boho Sarapsody Bistro near Aurora Blvd., Mow’s in Matalino, and The Warrior Poet Art Cafe in Cubao Expo, and Conspiracy Garden Cafe in Visayas Avenue. Words Anonymous and White Wall Poetry host writing workshops and open mic nights every so often at these hangout places, so you know where to go once you’ve mustered the courage to engage in this art form.
Learn a New Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument as an adult is an intimidating prospect – but it’s never too late. And to tell you the truth, it’s much simpler now because you already know your taste in music. If you’re into string instruments, the ukulele is a good place to start. Sit down on one of the open jams hosted by Happy Music Ukulele Phils, at the Collective or learn the instrument at The Four Strings in Cubao Expo.
Handy Skills to Up Your Adulting Game
Learn Gardening at Cedarhills Garden Center

Tucked away in the busy Mother Ignacia Avenue in QC is every urban gardener or nature-lover’s paradise. Cedarhills not only has a wide array of plants and gardening supplies, it also holds small-group, hands-on urban gardening classes for those wanting to hone their green thumb.
Expand Your Cooking Repertoire

Got a fancy chef’s knife last Christmas like I did? Take it out and sharpen your cooking skills this year with recipes and ingredients you haven’t heard of before. Stock your pantry with healthy essentials and take it one dish at a time.
2018 is all about going out of your comfort zone and being bold in your new pursuits. From academics and sports, to mindfulness and outdoor activities, having interests outside work will certainly improve your life this year and the many years to come.
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Three Things: Literature, nature and everything in between.